Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/634

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Chap. 197.

Sect. 12. Perſons committing Acts of Vagrancy, ſhall pay for their own Paſſage, in part or in whole, if found able.

Sect. 13. Vagrants, whoſe legal Settlement is in Scotland, are to be ſent thither as in §. 14 pag. 487 ſupra, and if any Perſon, after being ſo ſent, be found wandering, begging or miſbehaving, in England, fuch Offender ſhall be deemed an incorrigible Rogue, and puniſhed accordingly.

Sect. 14. The Regulations for parting Vagrants into Ireland, the Iſles of Man, Jerſey, Gurnſey or Scilly, are to the ſame Effect as in §. 18. pag. 4.88 ſupra.

Sect. 15. No Maſter of a Veſſel ſhall be compelled to take on board more than one Vagrant for every 20 Tons Burden.

Sect. 16. Juſtices to make Rates, &c. as in §. 19. pag. 488 ſupra.

Sect. 17. is to the ſame Effect as §. 20 pag. 488 ſupra.

Sect. 18. Any Perſon counterfeiting or altering a Certificate, &c. forfeits five Pounds; the reſt as in §. 22 pag. 488, 489 ſupra.

Sect. 19. See §. 23 pag. 489 ſupra.

Sect. 20. See §.24 ibid.

Sect. 21. This not to abridge the Power of the Lord Chancellor, &c. concerning Lunatics.

Sect. 22. See §.26 pag. 489 ſupra.

Sect. 23. See §.27 ibid, but the time of Commitment to the Houſe of Correction is limited to one Month.

Sect. 24. If Perſons having Children with them, are found offending againſt this Act, ſuch Child being above ſeven Years old, may be ſent to the Houſe of Correction; and the Juſtices may place them out to Service, or Apprentices to any that will take them, within their Juriſdictions, till they come to the Age of 21 Years, or leſs time, as the Juſtices think fit; and any Offender found again with the ſame Child, ſo placed out, ſhall be deemed an incorrigible Rogue.

Sect. 25. If any Woman wandering and begging, ſhall be delivered of any Child, and become thereby chargeable; the Church-wardens or Overſeers may detain ſuch Woman till ſhe can be taken before a Juſtice, who ſhall examine her, and commit her to the Houſe of Correction till the next General or Quarter Seſſions; and the Juſtices there may order her to be publickly whipp'd, and detained in the Houſe of Correction for any farther time, not exceeding ſix Months; and on Application of the Church-wardens or Overſeers, the ſaid Juſtices ſhall order the Treaſurer of the County or Diſtrict, to pay a reaſonable Satisfaction, as they ſhall ſettle, for the Charges ſuch Place has been at on the Woman's Account; and if the Woman be detained and taken before a Juſtice, the Child, if a Baſtard, ſhall not be ſettled on the Place where born, but the Woman's Settlement ſhall be a Settlement for the Child.

Sect. 26. Any Perſon aggrieved for the Act of any Juſtice, may appeal to the General or Quarter Seſſions, giving timely Notice, whoſe Order ſhall be final.

Sect. 27. See §. 30 pag. 489 ſupra, and if any Perſons be delivered to a Bedel or Conſtable, within the City or Liberries, that Bedel or Conſtable ſhall not deliver them to any other Precinct, but in the next County.

Sect. 28. When Offenders againſt this Act are examined at Seſſions, and no Place is found to paſs them to, the Juſtices may order them to be detained and employed in the Houſe of Correction, till they can be placed out as Servants, Apprentices, Soldiers, Mariners or otherwiſe, within this Realm, or in any of his Majeſty's Colonies in America.

Sect. 29. This Act not to prejudice the Heirs, &c. of John Dutton.

Sect. 30. See §. 32 pag. 489 ſupra.

Sect. 31. See §. 33 pag. 489, 490 ſupra.

Sect. 32. See §.34 ibid.

Sect. 33. Sums to defray the Expences ariſing in the Execution of this Act, are to be raiſed as Rates are directed to be raiſed by 12 Geo. 2. ſee pag. 479 ſupra.

Sect. 34. Perſons ſued for any thing done in Execution of this Act, may plead the General Iſſue, &c. and if a Verdict paſs for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff be nonſuited or diſcontinue, &c. the Defendant may recover treble Coſts; and the 13 Geo. 2. cap. 24. is hereby repealed, but all Acts thereby repealed continue ſo.

17 Geo. 2. cap. 8. § 2. Butter By 17 Geo. 2. cap. 8. To prevent the committing of Abuſes in the weighing and packing of Butter in the Town of New Malton in the County of York, Offenders againſt that Act are to be convicted by Proof, on Oath of one or more credible Witneſs or Witneſſes, before any Juſtice of Peace of any of the Ridings of the County of York, where the Offence ſhall be committed; and in default of Payment of the Forfeiture upon Demand (being 3s. 4d. for every Caſk, Pot or Veſſel of Butter ſold or tranſported, without being firſt brought to the Market at New Malton, to be there viewed, ſearched, weighed and ſealed, as by the Act is more particularly directed) the ſaid Forfeiture ſhall be levied by Diſtreſs and Sale of the Offender's Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any one or more Juſtice or Juſtices of the Peace of the ſaid Ridings. One half of the Forfeiture ſhall be to the Uſe of the Poor, and the other half to the Informer,

Ib. §. 5. Perſons aggrieved by any Determination of the Juſtices of Peace, may appeal to the next General Quarter-Seſſions for the Riding where the Offence was committed.

17 Geo. 2. cap. 17. Spirtis Some Doubts having ariſen on the Act of 16 Geo. 2. about the Power of Juſtices in ſeveral Caſes relating to the Forfeitures for retaling ſpirituous Liquors, it is therefore enacted by the 17 Geo. 2. cap. 17. That all Penalties and Forfeitures impoſed by the ſaid Act, and alſo by this Act, may be recovered, levied and mitigated, by the ſame Methods as are practiſed by any Laws of Exciſe.
