Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/34

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List of Proper Names with

Conn the victorious, sons of Gerg.
Cobhtach of the fair skin (Cóv-ta),
Findchoem (Finn-hó-em), friend and companion to Ferb.
Airidech (Ar-ri-dech), servant of Gerg.


Conor, more correctly Conchobar, son of Nessa, king of Ulster.
Mugain Etanchaitrech (Moó-gen Ait-en-hai-rech), daughter of Eocho Fedlech (Yeo-ho Fay-lla); Conor's queen.
Niall the fair-headed (Neell), sons of Conor.
Feradach the long-handed (Fér-da),
Cuchulainn (Cu-hoo-lin), prime hero of Ulster, a boy at the time of the tale.
Brod (Brōd), charioteer to Conor.
Cathba (Cah-ba), chief druid of Ulster.
Imrinn, a druid, son of Cathba.
Ferchertne (Fayr-hayr-ne), son of Dergerdne (Dayr-gayr-ne), a bard.


Cathach the cat-headed (Cá-ha), daughter of Dimor (Dée- mor).
Siabarchenn (Shee-bar-henn), son of Suilremar (Shool- ray-mar).
Berngal the freckled (Bayrn-gal).
Buri of the cruel speech (Bóo-ri).
