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The Courtship of Ferb

which the servant Brod hath wrought, in that he hath slain Gerg in his own palace. And many," said she, "will lament thee; and though it was in thy daughter's quarrel that thou art fallen, many were the maidens to whom thou thyself wert dear." And loudly she gave testimony of this, and thus she commenced her lay:—


Here Gerg lies slain; his daughter's fault
Hath caused the woe that now I tell;
For her, struck down in fierce assault,
That lordly chieftain, fighting, fell.

Gerg's wars were great; to war he went
With blood-red weapons, active still,
Fair, noble, and magnificent,
Wise, handsome, manly, full of skill.

No hero ever Gerg surpassed;
Each heath that knew his martial tread
Boils up with wrath; the tears fall fast
In every host, for Gerg is dead.