Page:The courtship of Ferb (Leahy).djvu/82

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The Courtship of Ferb


Fear no lie from me! with Conor
Brod escaped that slaughter great;
With two spears was Conor smitten,
Brod with three, alike their state.


Who hath wounded crookèd Conor?
Who hath made him thus to bleed?
Though from here he fled in safety,
Woe to him! if leech he need.


Thus it chanced. The spear of Mani
Twice the blood from Conor drew;
To the death then Conor smote him;
Fiannamail, the tale is true.

After this Fiannamail pushed forward in pursuit of Conor, and to meet him came Niall the fair-headed, who was the son of Conor, and with him a hundred armed men of Conor's household, who were seeking where the king might be. A hot, wild battle was fought between