Page:The cutters' practical guide to the cutting of ladies' garments.djvu/131

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Graduated and Other Squares.

The Diagram Square, Art Curve,
and Aliquot Part Finder.

We have now completed arrangements for the supply of the above, and we feel sure it will prove of almost unlimited service to the trade generally, and especially so to the young and aspiring portion of it. As a

Diagram Square

It possesses all the advantages of the ordinary square, with the addition of having one side curved in the same way as a full size trouser stick, so that it can be used for drawing diagrams in precisely the same way as the trouser stick is used for full size patterns. In addition to this it is absolutely unbreakable, being made from brass ; which enables it to be made much thinner, and so be of more use in drawing the lines with greater accuracy, whilst the additional weight of the brass prevents the liability wood has of shifting. On one side it has the

ordinary 1/6 scale, whilst on the other it has a one-twelfth, 1/6,1/8,1/3,1/8,1/4, scales, from 12 to 24, so that the Student can draw his diagrams to either of these scales, as he may require, and thus do away with the necessity of having a separate square for eaoh scale. As an


3/6 brass; in leather ease 4/-; electro-plated 5/-.

Make of Tailors Squares

There are in us 3 many different kinds or makes of squares ; but hitherto, none have come up to our idea of what a convenient make of tailors' square ought to be, the common make is a weak jointed, one sided, clumsy kind of a thing, often getting out of the square, and, owing to the weight of useless timber, the joints give way. A few years since, we arranged a square, and had one made for our own private and special use. Students and others have seen the square in use, and expressed a desire to possess a copy of it. We had a number made to oblige oar friends ; no sooner were they seen, than orders for the new make of square came in from many quarters. The square is fast jointed, finished alike on both sides ; and the edges being bevelled will admit of much greater exactness in making the different divisions than is possible by the thick edge of the old make of squares. The short arm is 12 inches long, and the other 21 inches ; the inner edge being nicely curved, which is suited for pleats, waist seam of skirts, and many parts of a garment where the same kind of a curved line is found. For trousers cutting, the new make of square is specially adapted for shaping the seams by a clean free curve ; and in securing a nice front and fork seam. We have made special arrangements with a first-class firm of square makers, which enables us to supply them at a price with in the reach of all.

Price 4/6. Postage 3d.
The John Williamson Company Limited,
93 & 94 Drury Lane, London, W C.

Graduated Squares.

This ingenious arrangement is intended to combine the advantages of a set of graduated tapes in one handy instrument, and there is no doubt it answers its purpose admirably. It is arranged so that measuring from a given point you can find the divisions required for every breast measure, to find all the points in every kind of garment, the only variation necessary being that, instead of using the quantities 2 1/4, 3, 4 1/2, 6, 9, 12 and so on, the cutter will have to turn to the divisions marked 1/8, one sixth, 1/4, 1/2, or 2/3 and then mark off opposite the numbers agreeing with the breast measure he's cutting for. Thus practically simplifying the method of graduation very considerably. The square is made of the very best material, and every division marked with the greatest possible care, so that strict accuracy may be fully relied on.


The John Williamson Company Limited, 93 & 94 Drury Lane, London, W.C