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Andover.HapvariC ONTENTS T^S Theological library ^^ yj^^-p CAMBRIDGE. MASS /<f/ ^ -/f^is No. I. Lectures on the Times. By R. W. Emerson ... 1 -•-/ Natural History of Massachusetts 19 Gifts — The Lover's Song — Sea Song— The Earth-Spirit t 49 _ 44 — Prayer — After-Life — Autumn Leaves . . j "" Entertainments of the past Winter 46 Tact — Holidays — The Amulet — From Uhland — The) ^ ^^ Castle by the Sea — Eternity — Vespers . . | /-* - /o Prayers 77 ToShakspeare 81 Yeeshnoo Sarma 82 Fourierism and the Socialists 66 The Evening Choir 97 The World 99 Chardon Street and Bible Conventions .... 100 Dolon 112 Agriculture of Massachusetts 123 Outward^Bound 126 Rbcord of the Months 127 -* 132 IlCTBLUGBNCE 132-186 No. n. Romaic and Rhine Ballads 137 The Black Knight 180 Lectures on the Times 181 The Inward Morning — Free Love .... 198,199 The Poet's Delay — Rumors from an iEdian Harp . . 200 HoIIis Street Council 801 The Moon — To the Maiden in the East .... 222 TheSummerRain — The Artist .... 224,225 English Reformers . 227 James Pierrepont Greaves 247 Dirge 266 Cromwell 258