Page:The early Christians in Rome (1911).djvu/223

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countless allusions to the state of perpetual risk and danger in which his co-religionists lived and worked.

We will cite a very few of these, in which unmistakable details are given.

"If any one acknowledges that he is a Christian, you punish him on account of this confession" (Justin, Apol. i. 4).

The condemnation to death for the mere name of Christian is often dwelt upon by our writer (see such passages as are contained in 1 Apol. xi.).

"We may not lie or deceive our (official) interrogators; we willingly die confessing Christ" (Justin, Apol. i. 39).

"Although death is decreed against those who teach, or even confess the name of Christ, everywhere we confess it and teach it" (Justin, Apol. i. 45).

"They that believe that there is nothing after death . . . they become our benefactors when they free us from the sufferings and trials of this life; . . . they kill us, however, not with the view of benefiting us, but that we may be deprived of life and joy" (Justin, Apol. i. 57).

"The Gentiles who know God—the Creator of all things through Jesus the Crucified . . . patiently await every torture and vengeance—even death—rather than worship idols" (Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, xxxv.).

". . . Lest you be persecuted by the rulers who . . . will not cease putting to death and persecuting those who confess the Name of Christ. . . ." (Justin, Dial. xxxix.).

". . . Because we refuse to sacrifice to those to whom in old times we used to sacrifice to, we suffer the severest penalties, and rejoice in death, believing that God will raise us up by His Christ, and will make us incorruptible—safe—immortal" (Justin, Dial. xlvi.).

"Now it is plain that no one is able to frighten us or subject us who have believed in Jesus, . . . for it is manifest that though beheaded and crucified, and cast to wild beasts, and fire, and all other kinds of torture, we do not give up our confession; but the more such things happen, the more do others, and in ever-increasing numbers too, become believers and worshippers of God through the Name of Jesus" (Justin, Dial. cx.).