Page:The early Christians in Rome (1911).djvu/439

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various offerings. The Halachah might fairly be called The Law and Rule of Jewish Ritual. Its subject-matter has been well and tersely summed up as follows: The Halachic Midrash sought to establish, by laws which were absolutely binding on every true Jew, the manner in which God desires to be honoured; what sacrifices are to be offered to Him, what feasts and fasts are to be kept in His honour, and generally what religious rites are to be observed by the people. Other questions are, however, discussed and resolved in the Halachah, but these other points fill after all a comparatively small space in the great legal commentary or ritual which occupies so important a place in the vast Talmud compilation.


The writer of the foregoing "study" feels that a sadly incomplete picture of the "Haggadah," the popular division of the Talmud, has been painted. A few more remarks on this singular and important portion of the Talmud are given by way of further elucidation of this strange form of exegesis (Midrash) of the Holy Scriptures.

We have already stated that broadly the "Halachic" Midrash or exegesis belongs especially to the Books of the Pentateuch, and the "Haggadic" Midrash rather to the other Books of the Old Testament writings.

But even in the Pentateuch, narrative and history occupy a wide space, and in the Pentateuch Midrash we find too a mass of Haggadic commentary on the narrative and historic portions of the five Books of Moses.

Here the "Book of Jubilees" (century 1) may be quoted as a striking instance of early Haggadic Midrash or exegesis of Scripture. It reproduces the Book of Genesis, and curiously amplifies and largely supplements the original text.

Dwelling on the history of Creation, the Haggadic scribe tells us how "in the twilight on the evening before the first Sabbath, ten things were created—(1) The chasm in the earth, in which Korah and his company were swallowed up. (2) The opening of Miriam's well. (3) The mouth of Balaam's ass. (4) The Rainbow. (5) The Manna of the Wilderness.