Page:The earth and its inhabitants .. (IA earthitsinhabita07recl).pdf/14

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173. Gulf of Simoda and Oho-sima 371
174. Lake Biva 375
175. Naruto Strait 377
170. Yama-gava and Mount Kaïmon 378
177. Kago-sima and Mi-take Volcano 379
178. Relief of Japan and Depths of the surrounding Waters 380
179. Geology of Japan 382
180. Tsu-sima 383
181. Isothermals of Japan 390
182. Japanese Landscape—View taken at Fuzisava 391
183. Badger: Fac-simile of Japanese Design 394
184. Fac-simile of a Japanese Bird Design 395
185. Primitive Populations of Nip-pon, according to the Japanese Annals 400
186. Japanese Woman 402
187. Japanese Girl 403
188. Japanese Musicians and Dealer 404
189. Japanese Tattooing 405
190. Japanese Women 406
191. Nikko and the Upper Tene-gava 412
192. Buddhist Temple at Nikko 414
193. Nagasaki and Unzen-san 417
194. Hakodate Bay 419
195. Hakodate 420
196. Nihi-gata and Sado Island 421
197. Kanozava and the White Mountain 422
198. Monster Bell in the Siba Quarter, Tokio 425
199. Jinriksia, Japanese Hand-cart 427
200. Simoda Bay 429
201. Nagoya and Delta of the Kiso-gava 431
202. Lake Biva 434
203. Ohosaka 435
204. Hiogo-kobe 438
205. Matsuye 439
206. Nafa and Siuri in the Island of Okinava 443
207. Bonin, or Ogasavara Archipelago 446
208. Mineral Deposits of Yeso 452
209. Scenes of Industrial Life 455
210. Street Scenes 458
211. The Gods 460
212. Rats as Rice Merchants 461
213. Ports open to Foreign Trade 465
214. Japanese Lines of Navigation 466
215. View taken on the Tokai-do Highway 468
216. The Pillory in Japan before the Revolution 474
217. Administrative Divisions of Japan 475