Page:The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland ( Volume 3).djvu/11

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In issuing the concluding Volume of this work, we take the opportunity to notice some points in the previous portions which have given rise to discussion.

In Vol. I. p. 297 we express disagreement with Mr. W. Galloway's opinion regarding the age of the chancel walls of St. Blane's, Bute. Mr. Galloway having asked for an opportunity of defending his views, we have pleasure in publishing his observations in the Appendix to this Volume.

Reference is made in Vol. II. p. 172 to Mr. T. L. Watson's theory regarding the vaulting of the lower church in St. Mungo's Cathedral, Glasgow. Having recently had the privilege, on the invitation of Mr. P. Macgregor Chalmers, of attending a meeting on the spot, when the usually obscure edifice was well lit up, and when it was shown by Mr. Chalmers that the points on which Mr. Watson based his opinion were untenable, we see no reason to believe that the beautiful design of the vaulting and the plan of the shrine were ever intended to be carried out in a mode different from that in which they are executed.

When treating of Melrose Abbey (Vol. II. p. 378) we ventured to criticise the views expressed by Mr. Chalmers in his work, A Scots Mediæval Architect. As Mr. Chalmers has been kind enough to approach us directly, taking exception to our remarks, we are glad to afford him, in an Appendix to this Volume, the opportunity he desires of stating his defence of his views.

Mr. Chalmers has done good service in drawing attention to some examples of Scottish mediæval architecture of