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without which the British Jack is certain in time to become a dull boy.

While the foreground in every part of Ceylon is beautiful from wealth of tropical growth, it is impossible to exaggerate the magnificence of the mountain scenery through which the railway passes from Rambukkana in the west, by Kandy, to Banderawella in the east, and amid which the lot of the up-country tea and cacao planter is cast.

It may be stated in general terms that the hill districts are healthy and suitable for the residence of Europeans, and that the low country is malarious, especially where forest or jungle has been recently cleared.

Within the past year or two the planting of rubber has received a great impetus from the increase of demand over supply, and probably an equivalent of 40,000 acres has been planted. In this, as in other matters affecting the agricultural interests of the island, the Government affords every possible assistance. At the Peredeniya Botanic Gardens, besides the Director, there is a staff consisting of a mycologist and an entomologist, who are ready to visit any property and advise as to fungoid or insect pests that may make their appearance. There is also an experimental station attached to the gardens, the Superintendent of which makes practical experiments in the growing of various crops in various ways; in the effects of treatment of cacao canker by spraying and other means; in the results of different manures; and in the growing and tapping of rubber-trees. A number of planters have permitted experiments'm manuring to be made on their properties, and in this way a mass of information as to results at different elevations and under differing conditions is collated and presented to a committee of planters and officials, who meet at Peredeniya at stated intervals.

In addition to this machinery that has been at work for several years, there was formed last year an Agricultural Society, with a view to interesting the entire community in agricultural improvement. Of this