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France, 91; merchant shipping, 202; military forces, 248; National Debt, 74, 137; navy. 185, 197-226; the Imperial banker, 59; trade, value of, 54, 78

Grey, Sir George, 476, 576

Gurlitt, Dr. Ladwig, 160

Haldane, Mr. R. B., 41, 42

Harrison, Mr. Frederic, 484

Hastings, Warren. 628, 647

Henry the Navigator, 14

Henry VIII., 28

Hicks-Beaoh, Sir M., 75, 80, 109, 121, 264

Hill, John, 291

Hill, Rowland, 292

Hofmeyr, Mr., 128, 199

Holy Roman Empire, the, 8

Hong Kong, 789. 880

Hudson Bay Company, 819

Hutton, Sir Edward. 480. 449

Imperial Cabinet Committee and Commission, 44

Imperial Federation, 89, 42

Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee,225

Imperialism, definition of, 16; British and Roman, 25

India, 20, 621-650, 728; army of, 666-681; cable connection with, 254; Civil Service, 648; defence of, 185, 230, 662; divisions of people, 621; education, 696-706, irrigation, 641; Native States, 682; population, 621, 644; Post-Office, 642; trade, value of, 54, 56, 649

Indian Universities Act, 705

Indo-European Telegraph Company, 255

Inter-Departmental Committee on Cable Communications, 253

Italy, unification of, 15

Jamaica, 879

Jameson, Dr., 505

Japan, 17, 88, 98, 165. 743, 760 et seq., 832; army of, 176, 652; revenue, 753; trade, 752

Keshub Chunder Sen, 606, 615

Kitchener, Lord, 499, 673, 680, 764

Kruger, Paul, 483, 485, 494, 496, 529

Labour, Australian, 434-445

Labour, efficiency of, 80

Labourdonnais, 627

Lamb, Charles, 305

Lansdowne, Marquis of; 244, 684, 786

Laurier, Sir W., 82, 228, 341, 381, 406, 418

Law of the Empire, 37-51

Lawrence, Henry, 647

Lawrence, John, 647

Lawrence, Stringer, 647

Leggo, Mr.; 815

Letters, statistics of, 314

Lords, House of, 48

Louis XIV., 25

Louis XVI., 279

Lowe, Robert, 148, 159

Lyall, Sir Alfred, 626

Lytton, Lord. 693

MacDougall, Sir Patrick, 240

McGill University. 162

McKinley Tariff, 406

Mahdi, the, 801

Mahmud Ali Khan, Mir, 685

Malay Peninsula. 738, 831

Malcolm, Sir John. 599, 610, 647

Medieval Empire, the, 9

Menelik. 802

Mercantile marine. See Shipping

Militia, the, 282, 240, 241, 371

Miller, Dr., 848

Milner, Viscount, 479, 492-520, 522

Mining in South Africa, 587-598; value of output, 589

Macdonald, Sir W. C, 390, 394-402

Monarch, power of, 29-82

Morley, Mr. John, 484

Morning Post on Australian labour, 484

Morocco, trade with, 98

Morris, Sir Daniel, 881

Napier, Sir Charles, 647

Napoleon, 10, 25, 27, 76

Natal, 560, 585, 587; trade returns. 590

National Debt of England, 74; of Germany, 74; of France, 74; of United States. 74

National Militia Army, 243

Nationality, rise of, 18; cause of strength. 140

Native Affairs Commission, 548

Natives, future of, 821

Navigation Laws, the, 107, 320

Navy, 185, 197-226; and Colonies' expenditure on. 72, 191

Nelson, Lord, 197, 204; his Great Order, 205

Neutral markets, 98

Newcastle, Duke of, 153

New Zealand, 462; cable connection with, 273, 478; population, 464; progressive laws, 465; sport, 470; trade, value of, 54 et seq., 472