Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/131

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¶ The tenthe fable is of the asse and of the lyon

THe grete callers by theyr hyghe and lowd crye ſuppoſen to make folke aferd / As recyteth this fable / Of an aſſe whiche ſomtyme mette with a lyon / to the whiche the aſſe ſayd / lette vs clymme vpon the montayne / and I ſhalle ſhewe to the / how the beeſtes ben aferd of me / and the lyon beganne to ſmyle / and he anſuerd to the aſſe / Goo we my broder / And whan they were on the top of the hylle / the aſſe byganne to crye / And the foxe and hares beganne to flee / And whanne thaſſe ſaw them flee ſayd to the lyon / Seeſt thow not how theſe beeſtes dreden and doubten me / and the lyon ſayde / I had ben aſo[errata 1] ferdfull of thy voys / yf I had not knowen veryly that thow arte but an aſſe /  ¶ And therfore men nede not doubte ne drede hym that auanceth hym ſelf for to do that that he may not doo / For god kepe the mone[errata 2] fro the wulues / Ne alſo men nede not doubte a foole for his menaces / ne for his hyghe crye

  1. Correction: aſo should be amended to alſo: detail
  2. Correction: mone should be amended to : detail