Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/148

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¶ The thyrd fable is of the foxe and of the cocke /

OFtyme moche talkynge letteth / As hit appiereth by this fable / Of a foxe / whiche came toward a Cocke / And ſayd to hym / I wold fayne wete / yf thow canſt as wel ſynge as thy fader dyde / And thenne the Cock ſhette his eyen / and beganne to crye and ſynge /  ¶ And thenne the Foxe toke and bare hym awey / And the peple of the towne cryed / the foxe bereth awey the cok /  ¶ And thenne the Cocke ſayd thus to the Foxe / My lord vnderſtandeſt thow not / what the peple ſayth / that thow bereſt awey theyr cock / telle to them / that it is thyn / and not theyrs/ And as the foxe ſayd / hit is not yours / but it is myn / the cok ſcaped fro the foxe mouthe / and flough vpon a tree / And thenne the Cok ſayd to the fox thow lyeſt / For I am theyrs and not thyn / And thenne the foxe beganne to hytte erthe bothe with his mouthe & heed ſayenge / mouthe / thow haſt ſpoken to moche / thow ſholdeſt haue eten the Cok / had not be thyn