Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/200

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ſtronge he demaunded of his fader / My fader be we of this Regyon / Nay ſayd the fader / For we ben fledde awey fro oure land / And thenne the lytyl lyon aſked / wherfore / And the fader anſuerd to hym / For the ſubtylyte of the man / And the lytyl lyon demaunded of hym what man is that / And his fader ſayd to hym / he is not ſoo grete ne ſo ſtronge as we be / but he is more ſubtyle and more Ingenyous / than we be / and thene ſayd the ſone to the fader / I ſhalle goo auenge me on hym   And the grete lyon ſayd to hym / goo not / For yf thow goſt thyder thow ſhalt repente the therfore / and ſhalt doo lyke a fole   And the ſone anſuerd to his fader / Ha by my heed I ſhalle goo thyder / and ſhalle ſee what he can doo / And as he wente for to fynde the man / he mette an oxe within a medowe / and an hors whoſe back was al fleyen / and ſore / to whome he ſaid in this manere / who is he that hath ledde yow hyder / and that ſo hath ſo hurted yow / And they ſayd to hym / It is the man / ¶ And thenne he ſayd ageyne to them / Certaynly / here is a wonder thynge / I praye yow / that ye wylle ſhewe hym to me   And they wente and shewed to hym the labourer / which ered the erthe / And the lyon forthwith and withoute ſayinge of ony moo wordes wente toward