Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/219

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of yron whiche was ſlyked at a balke / feynynge hym ſelf to be dede / And whanne one of the rats lokynge dounward ſawe the katte beganne to lawhe and ſayd to the cat / O my Frend yf I ſuppoled that thow were dede / I ſhold goo doune / but wel I knowe the ſo fals & peruers / that thow mayſt wel haue hanged thy ſelf / faynynge to be dede / wherfore I ſhall not goo doune / And therfore he that hath ben ones begyled by ſomme other / ought to kepe hym wel fro the ſame