Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/223

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¶ The xij fable is of the Bee and of Jupiter

NOw the euyl which men wyſſhe to other / cometh to hym whiche wyſſheth hit / as hit appiereth by this fable / of a Bee whiche offred and gaf to Jupyter a pyce of hony / wherof Jupyter was moche Joyous / And thenne Jupyter ſayd to the bee / demaunde of me what thow wylt / and I ſhalle graunte and gyue hit to the gladly / And thenne the Bee prayed hym in this manere / God almyghty I pray the that thow wylt gyue to me and graūte / that who ſo euer ſhal come for to take awey my hony / yf I pryke hym / he may ſodenly deye / And by cauſe that Jupyter loued the humayn lygnage he ſayd to the Bee / Suffyſe the / that who ſo euer ſhalle goo to take thy hony / yf thow pryke or ſtynge hym / Incontynent thow ſhalt deye / And thus her prayer was tourned to her grete dommage / For men ought not to demaude of god / but ſuche thynges that ben good and honeſt