Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/228

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¶ The xv fable is of the flee and of the man.

HE that dothe euyl / how be hit that the euylle be not grete men ought not to leue hym vnpunyſſhed / As it appereth by this fable / Of a man whiche took a flee whiche bote hym / to whome the man ſayd in this manere / Fle why byteſt thow me / and leteſt me not ſlepe / and the flee anſuerd It is my kynd to doo ſoo / wherfore I praye the that thow wylt not put me to dethe / And the man beganne to lawhe / & ſayd to the flee / how be it / that thow mayſt not hurte me ſore / Neuertheless / to the behoueth not to prycke me / wherfore thow ſhalt deye / For men ought not to leue none euyll vnpunyſſhed how be hit that hit be not grete.