Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/234

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¶ The thyrd fable is of the two Creuyſſes

HE whiche will teche and lerne ſome other / ought firſt to corryge & examyne hym ſelf / as it appereth by this fable of a creuyſſe / whiche wold haue chaſtyſed her owne doughter bicauſe that ſhe wente not wel ryght / And ſayd to her in this manere / My doughter / hit pleaſeth me not that thow gooſt thus backward / For euylle myght wel therof come to the / And thenne the doughter ſayd to her moder My moder I ſhalle go ryght and forward with a good will but ye muſt goo before for to ſhewe to me the waye / But the moder coude not other wyſe goo / than after her kynd / wherfore her doughter ſayd unto her / My moder fyrſt lerne your ſelf for to goo ryght and forward / and thenne ye ſhalle teche me  And therfore he that wylle teche other / ought to ſhewe good enſample / For grete ſhame is to the doctour whanne his owne coulpe or faulte accuſeth hym