Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/275

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¶ The thyrd fable ſpeketh of a ſubtyle Inuencion of a ſentence gyuen upon a derke and obſcure cauſe.

HIt befelle ſomtyme that a good man labourer wente fro lyf to deth / the whiche labourer lefte nothyng to his ſone / but only a hows / the whiche ſone lyued by the laboure of his handes pourely / This yong man had a neyghbour whiche was made ryche whiche demauded of the ſayd yong man yf he wold ſelle his hows / but he wold not ſelle it / by cauſe that it was come to hym by inherytauce and by patrymony wherfore the ryche man his neygbour conuerſyd & was ful oft with hym for to deceyue hym / but the yong man fled his company as moche as he myght / & whan the ryche man perceyued that the yong man fled from hym / he bethougt hym ſelf of a grete decepcion & falſhede / & demaūded of the poure yong man that he wold hyre to hym a parte of his hows tor to delue & make a celer / the whiche he ſhold hold of hym payeng to hym yerely rent / & the poure yong man hyred it to hym / & whan