Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/279

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¶ The fourthe fable maketh mencion of the ſentence gyuen up the pecuny or money whiche was found.

A Ryche man ſomtyme wente by a Cyte / And walked fro one ſyde to that other / fylle fro hym a grete purſe / wherin were a thouſand Crownes / the whiche a poure man fond / and toke them for to kepe to his wyf / wherof ſhe was ful gladde / and ſayd / thanked be god of al the goodes whiche he ſendeth to vs / yf he ſendeth now this grete ſomme kepe we hit wel / And on the next morne after folowyng / the Ryche man made to be cryed thurgh the cyte / that who ſomeuer had fond a thowſand Crownes in a purſe / he ſhold reſtitue / and brynge them to hym ageyne / and that he ſhold haue for his reward an honderd of them / And after that the poure man had herd this crye / he ranne Incontynent to his wyf / & ſayd to her / My wyf / that / that we haue fond muſt be rendred or yolden ageyne / For hit is better to haue a C crownes withoute ſynne than a thowſand with ſynne & wrongfully / And how