Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/322

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ſyluer / For he knewe wel ynough the condycions of his biſſhop / & forth with he toke his breuyarye / & an C crownes with hym / the prelate beganne to remembre and to ſhewe to hym the enormyte of his myſdede / And to hym anſwerd the preeſt whiche was ryght wyſe ſayenge in this manere / O my ryght reuerende fader / yf ye knewe the ſouerayne prudence of whiche the ſayd dogge was fylled / ye ſhold not be merueylled yf he hath wel deſernyd for to be buryed honeſtly and worſhipfully amonge the men / he was al fylled with humayn wytte as wel in his lyf / as in thartycle of the dethe / And thenne the biſſhop ſayd / how may that be / reherce to me thenne al his lyf / Certaynly ryght reuerende fader ye ought wel to knowe that whanne he was atte thartycle and at the poynt of dethe / he wold make his teſtament / And the dogge knowyng your grete nede and Indygence / he bequethed to yow an C crownes of gold / the whiche I brynge now vnto yow / And thenne the Biſſhop for loue of the money he aſſoylled the preſt And alſo graunted the ſayd ſepulture / And therfore ſyluer cauſeth alle thynge to be graunted or done.