Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/41

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wherfor the aſſe was enuyous and ſayd in hym ſelf / yf my lord and his meyny loue this myſchaunt beſte by cauſe that he chereth and maketh feſte to euery body / by gretter reaſon they ought to loue me vf I make chere to them / Thenne ſayd he in hym ſelf/ Fro henforth I ſhall take my diſporte and ſhall make Joye and playe with my lord / and wyth his meyny / And ones as the aſſe was in this thoughte and ymagynacion / hit happed that he ſawe his lord whyche entryd in to his hows / the aſſe beganne thenne to daunſe and to make feeſt and ſonge with his ſwete voys / and approched hym ſelf toward his lord & went & lepte vpon his ſholders / and beganne to kyſſe and to lykke hym / The lord thenne beganne to crye oute with a hyghe voys and ſayd / lete this fowl and payllard / whiche hurteth and byteth me ſore / be bete and putt awey / The lordes ſeruauntes thenne toke anone grete ſtaues / and beganne to ſmyte vpon the poure aſſe / and ſo ſore corryged and bete hym / that after he had no luſte ne courage to daunſe / ne make to nonne chere ne feſte / and therfore none ought to entermete hym ſelf for to doo a thynge / whiche as for hym impoſſyble is to be done / For the vnwyſe diſpleſeth there / where as he ſuppoſeth to pleaſe