Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/50

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¶ The ſecond fable is of the Columbes or douues of the kyte and of the ſperehawke

WHo that putte and ſubmytteth hym ſelf vnder the ſaue gard or protection of the euylle / thou oughteſt to wete & knowe / that whan he aſketh & demanded ayde & helpe / he geteth none /  ¶ Wherof Eſope reherceth to vs ſuche a fable / Of the douues whiche demaunded a ſperehawke for to be theyr kynge / for to kepe them fro the kyte or mylan / And whanne the ſperehawke was maade kynge ouer them / he beganne to deuoure them / the whiche columbes or douues ſayd amonge them / that better it were to them to ſuffre of the kyte than to be vnder the ſubjection of the ſperehawke / & to be martyred as we be / but therof we be wel worthy / For we oure ſelf ben cauſe of this meſchyef / And therfore whanne men done ony thyng / men ought well to loke and conſydere thende of hit / For he dothe prudently and wyſely whiche taketh good hede to the ende