Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/88

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¶ The v fable is of the nyghtyngale and of the ſperehawke

HE that oppreſſeth the Innocents ſhalle haue an euyl ende / wherof Eſope reherceth to vs ſuche a fable / Of a ſperehawk / whiche dyd put hym within the neſt of a nyghtyngale / where he fond the lytyl and yonge byrdes / the nyghtyngale came and perceyued hym / wherfore ſhe praed the ſperehawke / ſayeng/ I requyre and praye the as moche as I may / that thow haue pyte on my ſmal byrdes / And the ſperehawke anſuerd and ſayd / yf thow wylt that I graunte the thy requeſt / thow muſt ſynge ſwetely after my wylle and gree  And thenne the nyghtyngale beganne to ſynge ſwetely / not with the herte / but with the throte onely / For he was ſo fulled with ſorowe that otherwyſe he myght not doo / The ſperehawk ſayd thenne to the nyghtyngale / This ſonge playſeth me not / And toke one of the yonge byrdes and deuoured hit / And as the ſayd ſperehawke would haue deuoured and eten the other came there a hunter whiche dyd caſte a
