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the other side of this great tragedy, as a fair presentation of the side unexamined by them."—Statesman Magazine.

"This is one of the most remarkable books ever published in America; it is a labor of love and memoir compiled and published by the devoted wife of a martyr * * * in a cause which both husband and wife believed the cause of humanity."—-Women's Journal, Boston, Mass.

"It contains information most valuable and which cannot be obtained elsewhere. * * * This Life of Albert R. Parsons should be read and carefully studied by every student of the class struggle."—Wilshire's Magazine.

The Life of Albert R. Parsons

"The Life of Albert R. Parsons has been issued in a second edition with some new matter, notably Governor Altgeld's statement of the reasons why he pardoned the three surviving Anarchists in 1893. Otherwise the book appears to be substantially the same as when it appeared in 1889. It was acknowledged then to be a surprisingly temperate and strong presentation of evidence tending to show that Parsons was a victim of popular furore. After the lapse of years the facts presented in these pages impress one to that effect more deeply than before. The figure of Parsons walking into court of his own free will, and there condemned to death under unusual circumstances, has dramatic interest, which in itself would serve to keep the book alive for a long time, notwithstanding the fact that it is largely a compilation." —Chicago Record-Herald.

February 10, 1904.

"Every chapter has an independent interest of its own, and some 4 chapters weaved a sympathetic spell around the reader's heart in spite — of him."—Gen. M. M. Trumbull.

"It is one of the most remarkable books of this century; it holds the reader spell-bound. * * * Mrs. Parsons has done her work well. The motive that has prompted her appeals to every wife-heart."—Mt. Vernon Progressive Farmer.

"Mrs. Parsons' work has been mainly that of a compiler, but she has performed her task carefully and intelligently."—Chicago Daily News.

"The Principles of Anarchism"
A Lecture by LUCY E. PARSONS

Presenting the Principles of Anarchism in a simple manner.
Easily understood. Especially adapted to the
understanding of the average reader


Lucy E. Parsons, Publisher, 1000 S. Paulina St., Chicago, Ill.