Page:The fastest bicycle rider in the world - 1928 - Taylor.djvu/155

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A fair field and no favor—don’t be a big “gyp”—
A square deal in all games is true sportsmanship.
A fair field and no favor is give and forgive.
A square deal in every game is live and let live.



Immediately after the Vailsburg meet I went to Indianapolis to compete in a big event on the famous Newby Oval in that city. I was very anxious to win all of my starts in my native Indianapolis for several reasons. First of all, it was the scene of my very first race; secondly, because at one time I had previously been barred from the self-same track there because of my color, and thirdly, to show my hosts of good friends in that city that their faith in me and my riding skill had not been misplaced. And also to further make good Mr. Mungers’ proud boast.

I was in fine physical condition as we stepped on to the track for the final heat of the third of a mile championship race, and well I might be as there was a galaxy of racing stars entered in the event, the outstanding race of the program. Among them were Owen Kimble, Frank Kramer, Earl Kiser, Jimmie Bowler, Stinemetz, Gordon, Watson, Pease and Newhouse.

In the final heat of this event the judges decided that Owen Kimble and myself had raced a dead heat although I am convinced to this day that I beat him to the tape by a safe margin. It developed later, however, that one of the three judges who made the dead heat decision was swayed to that verdict by his prejudice to my color. The dead heat decision stood, nevertheless, and indirectly caused Kimble and myself to be matched to race the same distance on the same track a week later for a purse of $300, winner take all.

I quote the following item from an Indianapolis newspaper published the day following the first meet on Newby Oval:

“Two Dead Heats at the Night Meet. Major Taylor and Owen Kimble ride dead heat in Championship Race. Two Judges favor Major Taylor for first place. A big crowd witnessed the races of the N. C. A. meet at Newby Oval last night in which Major Taylor, Owen Kimble and Frank Kramer were declared in a dead heat. Kimble and Taylor being tied for first place. The N. C. A. Board of Control will be obliged to pass on the matter.

“Major Taylor made his famous jump on the home stretch, having previously passed Kramer. The front wheels of Kimble and Taylor were so nearly even when the tape was reached that the judges, Sterns, Fisher and Kane, declared the race a tie, while Hay and Hunter decided that Major Taylor won. The majority ruled, however, and the race was decided a dead heat. No time was announced due to
