Page:The fastest bicycle rider in the world - 1928 - Taylor.djvu/157

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caused me to fight all the harder in my next race on the Indianapolis track. It nettled me, however, to think that this low piece of business robbed me of one of the hardest earned victories of my life. It was a man-sized task at best to beat Kramer and Kimble to the finish line and to turn the trick with those two riders combined against me was nothing short of a Herculean task. On top of the team work of Kramer and Kimble, who were out to best me at all costs, I had this unscrupulous judge to contend with and although I defeated Kramer and Kimble on the track on that eventful night I was unable to compete with the underhand methods adopted by the aforementioned track official. That three-way combination was simply unbeatable.