Page:The female Quixote, or, The adventures of Arabella (Second Edition).pdf/214

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my Soul, she had cut him in Pieces with that famous Sword of hers that had done such Wonders.

Yet this faithless Man, resumed Arabella, whom you seem to have such an Aversion to, gave so glorious a Proof of his Repentance and Sorrow, that the fair Queen restored him to her Favour, and held him in much dearer Affection than ever: For, after he was convinced of her Innocence, he was resolved to punish himself with a Rigour equal to the Fault he had been guilty of; and, retiring to the Woods, abandoned for ever the Society of Men; dwelling in a Cave, and living upon bitter Herbs, passing the Days and Nights in continual Tears and Sorrow for his Crime: And here he proposed to end his Life, had not the fair Thalestris found him out in this Solitude; and, struck with the Sincerity of his Repentance, pardoned him; and, as I have said before, restored him to her Favour.

And, to shew you, said Glanville, that I am capable of doing as much for you; I will, if you insist upon it, seek out for some Cave, and do Penance in it, like that Orontes, provided you will come and fetch me out of it, as that same fair Queen did him.

I do not require so much of you, said Arabella; for I told you before, that, haply, you are justified already in my Opinion; but yet it is necessary, you should find out some Method of convincing the World of your Innocence; otherwise it is not fit I should live with you upon Terms of Friendship and Civility.