Page:The fighting scrub, (IA fightingscrub00barb).pdf/240

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bandaged and padded, and scowled darkly on the world. Report had it that the fullback would be all ready to play in Saturday's game if needed. As Saturday's contest, the next to the last on the Wyndham schedule, was with High Point School, he very likely would not be needed, for High Point was not a strong aggregation, and had been selected for that reason. To-day "Swede" Hanbury worked at fullback most of the time, being relieved by Massingham and Badger toward the last. There was not much choice evident, although Hanbury possessed the advantage over his competitors of being a good kicker. Scrub, still resentful over the loss of its coach, and reminded of the fact by the sight of "Cocky" devoting his energies to the First, played a bit more savagely this afternoon and neither asked nor gave mercy. But the First was undoubtedly suffering from an inferiority complex and offered almost nothing in the way of reprisal. Al Greene and Billy Desmond, between whom a friendly feud had existed all season, ended the game with the honors all Al's for the first time.

It was Billy who, in response to Tom's thirst for information, voiced the verdict of the First Wednesday evening. "Why," said Billy in the privacy of Number 34, accommodating his body with muffled groans to the peculiarities of the couch, "'Cocky's' all right, Tom. He goes at it differently from Otis, but he seems to know what he's doing and why he's doing it. And he doesn't mind you knowing, either. You see, 'G. G.' never would let any one in on his plans. 'G. G.'