Page:The folk-tales of the Magyars.djvu/26

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even after Grimm's work appeared, no move was made in Hungary until Henszlman read his paper in 1847 before the Kisfaludy Society on the " opular Tales of Hungary," in which paper he examined some 14 tales which afterwards appeared in Erdélyi's Collection, vols. 1 and 2. Ladislaus Arany in May 1867 read another paper before the same society and according to his calculation some 240 tales had been col- lected up to that date : the collections quoted by him were as follows :

John Erdelyi,* Folk-Songs and Popular Tales, 3 vols. George Gaal,f Hungarian Folk-Tales,


John Erdelyi, Hungarian Popular Tales,


Ladislaus Merenyi, Original Popular Tales,


Ladislaus Merenyi, Popular Tales from the Valley of the Sajo, 2 vols. Ladislaus Merenyi, Popular Tales from the Banks of the Danube, 2 vols. Ladislaus Arany, Original Popular Tales,


John Kriza,J Wild Roses, 1 vol. Julius Pap, Palocz Folk-Poetry, 1 vol. containing 34 talcs

  • John Erdelyi (born 1814, died 1868), Hungarian poet and author, elected

Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1839. t These tales were collected from soldiers: and are full of unnecessary flourishes and coarse barrack-room jokes. % John Kriza (born 1812, died 1875), born in a small village of Szckely parents. Unitarian minister, professor, poet, and author, elected Member of the Academy, 1841. A second volume has, I believe, since appeared.