Page:The fortunes of Fifi (IA fortunesoffifi00seawiala).pdf/228

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the diligence jolted past, and when he saw a demure figure in black, with a veil over her face, get inside the diligence, he recognized Fifi, and jumped up on the outside.

Fifi, sitting within, had no notion that Duvernet was on the same vehicle. She kept her veil down and behaved with the greatest propriety. She knew better than to wear any of her ridiculous finery in the presence of the Holy Father, and as she had got rid of the brown gown with the green spots, she wore a plain black gown and mantle which became her well, and she scarcely seemed like the same creature who had worn the yellow brocade robe and the striped satin cloak.

The diligence rumbled along, through the pleasant spring afternoon, upon the sunny road to Fontainebleau, and reached it in a couple of hours.

When Fifi dismounted, at the street leading to the palace, what was her surprise to find that Duvernet dismounted too!

"I had business at Fontainebleau, and so was fortunate to find myself on the top of the diligence, while you were inside," was Duvernet's ready explanation of his presence.

Fifi was at heart glad of his protection, and