Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/68

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scription is required, and it is understood that the society shall consist of three distinct classes of persons: Those who may intend to settle in the colony; those who may chose to become trustees for laying tho foundation of the colony (as in the case of all our old and successful colonies in America); and others who, from public motives, may wish to patronise a great national work, independently of personal objects and without any personal responsibility.

"For the present the society will have rooms at 4, Adam Street, Adelphi, where some member will be found at all times; where those may meet who are inclined to take the most active part; where full information may be obtained concerning the soil, climate, and situation of the proposed colony; the plan according to which it is to be formed; and the state of the negotiation with His Majesty's Government.

"I have the honour to be, Sir,    
"Your most obedient Servant,  
"Robert Gouger."

"November 27th, 1833."

It will be seen that by this time Mr. Gouger had made up his mind that further negotiations with the Colonial Office as to the establishment of a Joint Stock Land Company were impossible. He could not brook the vexatious delays which prevented him from "striking his iron while it was hot;" he saw some of his best supporters wavering because of the hard conditions suggested by the Government, and he could not himself see how to overcome one of those conditions, namely, "that the company must be bound to purchase the whole of its land by fixed instalments within a given period."

Negotiations with the Government were there-