Page:The fresh-water Fishes of New England (1896, Whidden).djvu/16

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13. The Pickerel. Chain Pickerel, Jack, Federal Pike. Esox reticulatus.

Length, thirty inches. Color, back, black or green; sides, rich gold or silvery with net or chain-like marks; belly, white.

The Pickerel lives in all waters. An excellent foodfish, and is caught with frogs' legs, live and dead bait, and the spoonhook. Pickerel fishing is the favorite sport of many fishermen.

14. The Muskalunge. Muscalonge, Muskellunge, Maskinonge. Esox masquinongy.

Length, eight feet. Color, gray with black spots. Snout, long.

Lives in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.
