Page:The frozen North; an account of Arctic exploration for use in schools (IA frozennorthaccou00hort).pdf/155

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terrific. The rain had fallen in torrents, washing away the snow covering of the house and soaking through the canvas roof. But Red Cliff House was stanchly built and stood firm.

Red Cliff House after the Storm.

The long Arctic night had passed away with the storm, and the western sky was aflame with gorgeous colors; brilliant yellow shaded into pale rose and green. Misty lights of purple and green floated over the ice, and the storm was forgotten in the beauty of the new day.

Now that the sun had made its appearance, Peary decided to start on his white march over the ice cap. On the last day of April three of the party, accompanied by five Eskimos, left Red Cliff House with two sledges and twelve dogs. Three days later Peary followed with one man and a sledge drawn by eight dogs. In a few hours he overtook his friends and proceeded with them as far as