Page:The frozen North; an account of Arctic exploration for use in schools (IA frozennorthaccou00hort).pdf/162

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pieces of it and carried them away. They used these pieces of iron for making knives and for harpoon points.

One tribe attempted to carry off the entire head. They lashed it to a sledge and started for home, when suddenly the sea rose with a loud noise, and the head disappeared into the water, carrying the sledge and dogs with it. The Eskimos barely escaped with their lives, and since that time not the smallest fragment of the heavenly woman had been disturbed.

The "Tent" Meteorite.

Near the great mass of iron, called "the woman," was another, called "the dog." About six miles south of these was the third and largest, called "the tent."

The coast where these meteorites were found is the bleakest and most desolate region of the Arctic land. Biting winds blow almost continuously, and iceberg after iceberg drifts slowly past on its journey southward. It is almost impossible for a vessel to reach this coast.