Page:The general principles of constitutional law in the United States of America.djvu/15

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CHAPTER XII. Page The Amendments to the Constitution ...... 218 CHAPTER XIII. Civil Rights and their Guaranties 224 Sect. 1. Religious Liberty 224 " 2. Security of the Dwelling, aud of the Person and Papers 228 " 3. The Prohibition of Slavery 233 " 4. The Guaranties of Life, Liberty, aud Equality . . 240 " 5. Jury Trial in Civil Cases 263 CHAPTER XIV. Political Privileges and their Protections .... 268 Sect. 1. Citizenship 268 " 2. Suffrage aud Elections 275 " 3. The Right of Assembly and Petition 294 " 4. The Right to keep and bear Arms 297 " 5. Ereedom of Speech aud of the Press 299 CHAPTER XV. Protections to Persons accused of Crime 310 Sect. 1. Legislative Adjudications 310 2. Treason : its Definition and Punishment .... 314 3. The Writ of Habeas Corpus 315 4. Accusations of Crime 317 5. Bail 818 6. Incidents of the Trial and Punishment .... 319 CHAPTER XVI. Protections to Contracts and pRorEKTV 32S Sect. 1. Laws impairing the Obligal ion of Contracts . . 328 " 2. Protection to Proprrty 345 '* 3. The Eminent Domain 363