Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/193

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mystic hosts drew near the spot where a throne was erected for me to receive them, but the bird had fled, and I had the pleasure, from my loftier feat to witness their rage, their disappointment and unsuccessful searches.

"Late at night, I descended from the tree by the same operation which I had used to get up to it. A small path soon led me to a village, at the distance of several leagues from my late residence, where darkness and chance farther favoured me in my enterprize.

"Here I exchanged my cloathes, blackened my face, and made my way begging to the next town, where I stopped to procure myself the means necessary for defraying the expences of my journey through the rest of Spain to France.

"It is a circumstance necessary to be mentioned here, that my own jewels and those which Don Carlos presented me with on my wedding-day at St. Jago, had been given by the latter, on my supposed death, to the Superior of the monks, for prayers to be said by the fathers for the repose of my departed soul. These jewels had been restored to me, soon