Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/327

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morning is far advanced, yet, I suppose, you will go to rest." At these words I let go her hand, and abruptly left her, without waiting the reply for which she had already opened her lips.

She was vexed, and shut the door of her apartment with loud impetuosity. I went to refresh myself in the garden, and heard Don Bernardos return soon after with Adela's horse. He anxiously enquired after her, but she begged to be excused from receiving his visit. He then went away, without troubling himself the least about me.


Iwas not a little embarrassed at choosing a proper method of treating Adela. The honor of a husband is a delicate thing, which the foolish and unjust world makes depend on the conduct of a wife. I thought it would be best for me to live with her on a polite but reserved footing, receive Don Bernardos with all my former kindness, but watch care-