THE licentiate Juan de Castellanos, in his "Elegias de Varones Illustres de Indias" (1589), sang the legend of the dorado as it was current in Quito in 1536:
When with that folk came Annasco,
Benalcazar learned from a stranger
Then living in the city of Quito,
But who called Bogotá his home,
Of a land there rich in golden treasure,
Rich in emeralds glistening in the rock.
A chief was there, who, stripped of vesture,
Covered with golden dust from crown to toe,
Sailed with offerings to the gods upon a lake,
Borne by the waves upon a fragile raft,
The dark flood to brighten with golden light.
In these words of a poet who can make far more pretension to historical accuracy than his contemporaries Erxcilla and Martin de Barco[1] lies a significant confirmation of the thesis maintained in our chapter on Cundinamarca: that the fame of the dorado had penetrated southward. Belalcazar's contemporary Oviedo declares positively that much was said in those regions of a great chief called "Dorado." Herrera, although not really contemporary (he was born in 1549), but one of the best authorities con-
- ↑ The former sings in "Araucana" of Chili; the latter of La Plata in "Argentina."