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'Onto the garden wall, which led in its turn to the roof of an outhouse'   Frontispiece
'The Golden Age'   Title
'For them the orchard (a place elf-haunted, wonderful!) simply' Facing 6
'Out into the brimming sun-bathed world I sped' 14
'"I took the old fellow to the station"' 34
'Once more were damsels rescued, dragons disembowelled, and giants' 42
'Lulled by the trickle of water, I slipped into dreamland' 62
'It was easy … to transport yourself in a trice to the heart of a tropical forest' 68
'Who would have thought … that only two short days ago we had confronted each other on either side of a hedge' 86
'A great book open on his knee … a score or so disposed within easy reach' 114
'But yester-eve and the mummers were here!' 122
'"They make me walk behind, 'cos they say I'm too little, and mustn't hear"' 138
'"I'm Jason … and this is the Argo … and we're just going through the Hellespont"' 146
'"You haven't been to Rome, have you?"' 166
'I drew it out and carried it to the window, to examine it in the failing light' 188
'At breakfast Miss Smedley behaved in a most mean and uncalled-for manner' 196
'The procession passing solemnly across the moon-lit Blue Room' 218
'"Why, Master Harold! whatever be the matter? Baint runnin' away, be ee?"' 232
'Finally we found ourselves sitting silent on an upturned wheelbarrow' 250