Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/1019

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Brightland cor. "The perfect participle denotes action or existence perfected or finished."--Kirkham cor. "From the intricacy and confusion which are produced when they are blended together."--L. Murray cor. "This very circumstance, that the word is employed antithetically renders it important in the sentence."--Kirkham cor. "It [the pronoun that,] is applied both to persons and to things."--L. Murray cor. "Concerning us, as being everywhere traduced."--Barclay cor. "Every thing else was buried in a profound silence."--Steele cor. "They raise fuller conviction, than any reasonings produce."--Dr. Blair cor. "It appears to me nothing but a fanciful refinement." Or: "It appears to me nothing more than a fanciful refinement"-- Id. "The regular and thorough resolution of a complete passage."--Churchill cor. "The infinitive is distinguished by the word TO, which immediately precedes it."--Maunder cor. "It will not be a gain of much ground, to urge that the basket, or vase, is understood to be the capital."--Kames cor. "The disgust one has to drink ink in reality, is not to the purpose, where the drinking of it is merely figurative."-- Id. "That we run not into the extreme of pruning so very closely."--See L. Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 318.

"Being obliged to rest for a little while on the preposition itself." 

Or: "Being obliged to rest a while on the preposition itself." Or: "Being obliged to rest [for] a moment on the preposition alone."--Blair and Jam. cor. "Our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is no abiding."--Bible cor. "There may be attempted a more particular expression of certain objects, by means of imitative sounds."--Blair, Jam., and Mur. cor. "The right disposition of the shade,makes the light and colouring the more apparent."--Dr. Blair cor. "I observe that a diffuse style is apt to run into long periods."-- Id. "Their poor arguments, which they only picked up in the highways."--Leslie cor. "Which must be little else than a transcribing of their writings."--Barclay cor. "That single impulse is a forcing-outof almost all the breath." Or: "That single impulse forces out almost all the breath."--Hush cor. "Picini compares modulation to the turning-offfrom a road."--Gardiner cor. "So much has been written on and off almost every subject."--Sophist cor. "By the reading of books written by the best authors, his mind became highly improved." Or: "By the study of the most instructive books, his mind became highly improved."--L. Mur. cor. "For I never made a rich provision a token of a spiritual ministry."--Barclay cor.


"However disagreeable the task, we must resolutely perform our duty."--L. Murray cor. "The formation of all English verbs, whether they be regular or irregular, is derived from the Saxon tongue."--Lowth cor. "Time and chance have an influence on all things human, and nothing do they affect more remarkably than language."--Campbell cor. "Time and chance have an influence on all things human, and on nothing a more remarkable influence than on language."--Jamieson cor. "That Archytases, who was a virtuous man, happened to perish once upon a time, is with him a sufficient ground." &c.--Phil Mu. cor. "He will be the better qualified to understand the meaning of the numerous words into which they enter as material parts."--L. Murray cor. "We should continually have the goal in view, that it may direct us in the race."-- Id. "But Addison's figures seem to rise of their own accord from the subject and constantly to embellish it" Or:--"and they constantly embellish it."--Blair and Jam. cor. "So far as they signify persons, animals, and things that we can see, it is very easy to distinguish nouns."--Cobbett cor. "Dissyllables ending in y or mute e, or accented on the final syllable, may sometimes be compared like monosyllables."--Frost cor. "If the foregoing objection be admitted, it will not overrule the design."--Rush cor. "These philosophical innovators forget, that objects, like men, are known only by their actions."--Dr. Murray cor. "The connexion between words and ideas, is arbitrary and conventional; it has arisen mainly from the agreement of men among themselves."--Jamieson cor. "The connexion between words and ideas, may in general be considered as arbitrary and conventional, or as arising from the agreement of men among themselves."--Dr. Blair cor. "A man whose inclinations led him to be corrupt, and who had great abilities to manage and multiply and defend his corruptions."--Swift cor. "They have no more control over him than have any other men."--Wayland cor. "All his old words are true English, and his numbers are exquisite."--Spect. cor. "It has been said, that not Jesuits only can equivocate."--Mur. in Ex. and Key, cor. "In Latin, the nominative of the first or second person, is seldom expressed."--Adam and Gould cor. "Some words have the same form in both numbers."--Murray et al. cor. "Some nouns have the same form in both numbers."--Merchant et al. cor. "Others have the same form in both numbers; as, deer, sheep, swine."--Frost cor. "The following list denotes the consonant sounds, of which there are twenty-two." Or: "The following list denotes the twenty-two simple sounds of the consonants."--Mur. et al. cor. "And is the ignorance of these peasants a reason for other persons to remain ignorant; or does it render the subject the less worthy of our inquiry?"--Harris and Mur. cor. "He is one of the most correct, and perhaps he is the best, of our prose writers."--Lowth cor. "The motions of a vortex and of a whirlwind are perfectly similar." Or: "The motion of a vortex and that of a whirlwind are perfectly similar."--Jamieson cor. "What I have been saying, throws light upon one important verse in the Bible; which verse I should like to hear some one read."--Abbott cor. "When there are any circumstances of time, place, and the like, by which the principal terms of our sentence must be limited or qualified."--Blair, Jam. and Mur. cor. "Interjections are words that express emotion, affection, or passion, and that imply suddenness." Or: "Interjections express emotion, affection, or passion, and imply suddenness."--Bucke cor. "But the genitive expressing the measure of things, is used in the plural number only."--Adam and Gould cor. "The buildings of the