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ce of it."--Ib. "If thou couldst convince him, he would not act accordingly."--Murray's Key, p. 209. "If there was no liberty, there would be no real crime."--Formey's Belles-Lettres, p. 118. "If the house was burnt down, the case would be the same."--Foster's Report, i, 89. "As if the mind was not always in action, when it prefers any thing!"--West, on Agency, p. 38. "Suppose I was to say, 'Light is a body.'"--Harris's Hermes, p. 78. "If either oxygen or azote was omitted, life would be destroyed."--Gurney's Evidences, p. 155. "The verb dare is sometimes used as if it was an auxiliary."--Priestley's Gram., p. 132. "A certain lady, whom I could name, if it was necessary."--Spectator, No. 536. "If the e was dropped, c and g would assume their hard sounds."--Buchanan's Syntax, p. 10. "He would no more comprehend it, than if it was the speech of a Hottentot."--Neef's Sketch, p. 112. "If thou knewest the gift of God," &c.--John, iv, 10. "I wish I was at home."--O. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 260. "Fact alone does not constitute right; if it does, general warrants were lawful."--Junius, Let. xliv, p. 205. "Thou look'st upon thy boy as though thou guessest it."--Putnam's Analytical Reader, p. 202. "Thou look'st upon thy boy as though thou guessedst it."--Cobb's N. A. Reader, p. 320. "He fought as if he had contended for life."--Hiley's Gram., p. 92. "He fought as if he had been contending for his life."--Ib., 92.

  "The dewdrop glistens on thy leaf,
     As if thou seem'st to shed a tear;
   As if thou knew'st my tale of grief,
     Felt all my sufferings severe."--Alex. Letham.

Last Clause of Note IX.--For the Indicative Mood.

"If he know the way, he does not need a guide."--Brown's Institutes, p. 191.

[FORMULE.--Not proper, because the verb know, which is used to express a conditional circumstance assumed as a fact, is in the subjunctive mood. But, according to the last clause of Note 9th to Rule 14th, "A conditional circumstance assumed as a fact, requires the indicative mood." Therefore, know should be knows; thus, "If he knows the way, he does not need a guide."]

"And if there be no difference, one of them must be superfluous, and ought to be rejected."--Murray's Gram., p. 149. "I cannot say that I admire this construction, though it be much used."--Priestley's Gram., p. 172. "We are disappointed, if the verb do not immediately follow it."--Ib., p. 177. "If it were they who acted so ungratefully, they are doubly in fault."--Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 223. "If art become apparent, it disgusts the reader."--Jamieson's Rhet., p. 80. "Though perspicuity be more properly a rhetorical than a grammatical quality, I thought it better to include it in this book."--Campbell's Rhet., p. 238. "Although the efficient cause be obscure, the final cause of those sensations lies open."--Blair's Rhet., p. 29. "Although the barrenness of language, and the want of words be doubtless one cause of the invention of tropes."--Ib., p. 135. "Though it enforce not its instructions, yet it furnishes us with a greater variety."--Ib., p. 353. "In other cases, though the idea be one, the words remain quite separate"--Priestley's Gram., p. 140. "Though the Form of our language be more simple, and has that peculiar Beauty."--Buchanan's Syntax, p. v. "Human works are of no significancy till they be completed."--Kames, El. of Crit., i, 245. "Our disgust lessens gradually till it vanish altogether."--Ib., i, 338. "And our relish improves by use, till it arrive at perfection."--Ib., i, 338. "So long as he keep himself in his own proper element."--COKE: ib., i, 233. "Whether this translation were ever published or not I am wholly ignorant."--Sale's Koran, i, 13. "It is false to affirm, 'As it is day, it is light,' unless it actually be day."--Harris's Hermes, p. 246. "But we may at midnight affirm, 'If it be day, it is light.'"--Ibid. "If the Bible be true, it is a volume of unspeakable interest."--Dickinson. "Though he were a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered."--Heb., v, 8. "If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?"--Matt., xxii, 45.

  "'Tis hard to say, if greater want of skill
   Appear in writing or in judging ill."--Pope, Ess. on Crit.


"If a man have built a house, the house is his."--Wayland's Moral Science, p. 286.

[FORMULE.--Not proper, because the verb have built, which extends the subjunctive mood into the perfect tense, has the appearance of disagreeing with its nominative man. But, according to Note 10th to Rule 14th, "Every such use or extension of the subjunctive mood, as the reader will be likely to mistake for a discord between the verb and its nominative, ought to be avoided as an impropriety." Therefore, have built should be has built; thus, "If a man has built a house, the house is his."]

"If God have required them of him, as is the fact, he has time."--Ib., p. 351. "Unless a previous understanding to the contrary have been had with the Principal."--Berrian's Circular, p. 5. "O if thou have Hid them in some flowery cave."--Milton's Comus, l. 239. "O if Jove's will Have linked that amorous power to thy soft lay."--Milton, Sonnet 1. "SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD: If thou love, If thou loved, If thou have loved, If thou had loved, If thou shall or will love, If thou shall or will have loved."--L. Murray's Gram., 2d Ed., p. 71; Cooper's Murray, 58; D. Adams's Gram., 48; and others. "Till religion, the pilot of the soul, have lent thee her unfathomable coil."--Tupper's Thoughts, p. 170. "Whether nature or art contribute most to form an orator, is a trifling inquiry."--Blair's Rhet., p. 338. "Year after year steals something from us; till the decaying fabric totter of itself, and crumble at length into dust."--Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 225. "If spiritual pride have not entirely vanquished humility."--West's Letters, p. 184. "Whether he have gored a son, or have gored a daughter."--Exodus, xxi, 31. "It is