Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/745

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false, should be changed, rejected, or contradicted; because they distort language from its chief end, or only worthy use; which is, to state facts, and to tell the truth." The error may be corrected thus: "The long sound of i is like a very quick union of the sound of a, as heard in bar, and that of e, as heard in be."]

"The omission of a word necessary to grammatical propriety, is called ELLIPSIS."—Priestley's Gram., p. 45. "Every substantive is of the third person."—Alexander Murray's Gram., p. 91. "A noun, when the subject is spoken to, is in the second person; and when spoken of, it is in the third person; but never in the first."—Nutting's Gram., p. 17. "With us, no substantive nouns have gender, or are masculine and feminine, except the proper names of male and female creatures."—Blair's Rhet., p. 156. "Apostrophe is a little mark signifying that something is shortened; as, for William his hat, we say, William's hat."—Infant School Gram., p. 30. "When a word beginning with a vowel is coupled with one beginning with a consonant, the indefinite article must be repeated; thus, 'Sir Matthew Hale was a noble and an impartial judge;' 'Pope was an elegant and a nervous writer.'"—Maunder's Gram., p. 11. "W and y are consonants, when they begin a word or syllable; but in every other situation they are vowels."—Murray's Gram., p. 7: Bacon, Comly, Cooper, Fish, Ingersoll, Kirkham, Smith, et al. "The is used before all adjectives and substantives, let them begin as they will."—Bucke's Gram., p. 26. "Prepositions are also prefixed to words in such manner, as to coalesce with them, and to become a part of them."—Lowth's Gram., p. 66. "But h is entirely silent at the beginning of syllables not accented, as historian."—Blair's Gram., p. 5. "Any word that will make sense with to before it, is a verb."—Kirkham's Gram., p. 44. "Verbs do not, in reality, express actions; but they are intrinsically the mere names of actions."—Ib., p. 37. "The nominative is the actor or subject, and the active verb is the action performed by the nominative."—Ib., p. 45. "If, therefore, only one creature or thing acts, only one action, at the same instant, can be done; as, the girl writes."—Ib., 45. "The verb writes denotes but one action, which the girl performs; therefore the verb writes is of the singular number."—Ib., 45. "And when I say, Two men walk, is it not equally apparent, that walk is plural, because it expresses two actions?"—Ib., p. 47. "The subjunctive mood is formed by adding a conjunction to the indicative mood."—Beck's Gram., p. 16. "The possessive case should always be distinguished by the apostrophe."— Frost's El. of Gram., Rule 44th, p. 49. "'At these proceedings of the commons,'—Here of is the sign of the genitive or possessive case, and commons is of that case, governed of proceedings."—Alex. Murray's Gram., p. 95. "Here let it be observed again that, strictly speaking, no verbs have numbers nor persons, neither have nouns nor pronouns persons, when they refer to irrational creatures and inanimate things."—S. Barrett's Gram., p. 136. "The noun or pronoun denoting the person or thing addressed or spoken to, is in the nominative case independent."—Frost's El. of Gram., Rule 8th, p. 44. "Every noun, when addressed, becomes of the second person, and is in the nominative case absolute; as—'Paul, thou art beside thyself.'"—Jaudon's Gram., Rule 19th, p. 108. "Does the Conjunction join Words together? No; only Sentences."—British Gram., p. 103. "No; the Conjunction only joins sentences together."—Buchanan's Gram., p. 64. "Every Genitive has a Noun to govern it, expressed or understood; as, St. James's, Palace is understood; therefore one Genitive cannot govern another."—Ib., p. 111. "Every adjective, and every adjective pronoun, belongs to a substantive, expressed or understood."— Murray's Gram., p. 161; Bacon's, 48; Alger's, 57; et al. "Every adjective qualifies a substantive expressed or understood."—Bullions, E. Gram., p. 97. "Every adjective belongs to some noun expressed or understood."—Ingersoll's Gram., p. 36. "Adjectives belong to the nouns which they describe."—Smith's New Gram., p. 137. "Adjectives must agree with the nouns, which they qualify."—Fisk's Murray, p. 101. "The Adjective must agree with its Substantive in Number."—Buchanan's Gram., p. 94. "Every adjective and participle belongs to some noun or pronoun expressed or understood."—Frost's El. of Gram., p. 44. "Every Verb of the Infinitive Mood, supposes a verb before it expressed or understood."—Buchanan's Gram., p. 94. "Every Adverb has its Verb expressed or understood."—Ib., p. 94. "Conjunctions which connect Sentence to Sentence, are always placed betwixt the two Propositions or Sentences which they unite."—Ib., p. 88. "The words for all that, seem to be too low."—Murray's Gram., p. 213. "For all that seems to be too low and vulgar."—Priestley's Gram., p. 139. "The reader, or hearer, then, understands from and, that he is to add something."—J. Brown's E. Syntax, p. 124. "But and never, never connects one thing with another thing, nor one word with another word."—Ib., p. 122. "'Six, and six are twelve.' Here it is affirmed that, six is twelve!"—Ib., p. 120. "'John, and his wife have six children.' This is an instance of gross catachresis. It is here affirmed that John has six children, and that his wife has six children."—Ib., p. 122. "Nothing which is not right can be great."—Murray's Exercises, 8vo, p. 146: see Rambler, No. 185. "Nothing can be great which is not right."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 277. "The highest degree of reverence should be paid to youth."—Ib., p. 278. "There is, in many minds, neither knowledge nor understanding."—Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 151; Russell's, 84; Alger's, 54; Bacon's, 47; et al. "Formerly, what we call the objective cases of our pronouns, were employed in the same manner as our present nominatives are."—Kirkham's Gram., p. 164. "As it respects a choice of words and expressions, no rules of grammar can materially aid the learner."—S. S. Greene's Gram., 1st Ed., p. 202. "Whatever exists, or is conceived to exist, is a Noun."—Fowler's E. Gram., 8vo, 1850, §137. "As all men are not brave, brave is itself comparative."—Ib., §190.


(1.) "And sometimes two unaccented syllables follow each other."—Blair's Rhet., p. 384.

[FORMULE.—Not proper, because the phrase, "follow each other," is here an absurdity; it being impossible