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used only in the plural; as, ashes, literati, minutiæ, SHEEP, DEER."—Blair's Gram., p. 43. "Some nouns are the same in both numbers, as, alms, couple, DEER, series, species, pair, SHEEP."—Ibid. "Among the inferior parts of speech there are some pairs or couples"—Ib., p. 94. (20.) "Concerning the pronominal adjectives, that can and can not, may and may not, represents its noun."—O. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 336. (21.) "The article a is in a few instances employed in the sense of a preposition; as, Simon Peter said I go a [to] fishing."—Weld's Gram., 2d Ed., p. 177; Abridg., 128. "'To go a fishing;' i.e. to go on a fishing voyage or business."—Weld's Gram., p. 192. (22.) "So also verbs, really transitive, are used intransitively, when they have no object."—Bullions's Analyt. and Pract. Gram., p. 60.

(23.) "When first young Maro, in his boundless mind,
       A work t' outlast immortal Rome design'd."
        —Pope, on Crit., l. 130.


"Number distinguishes them [viz., nouns], as one, or many, of the same kind, called the singular and plural."—Dr. Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric, p. 74.

[FORMULE.—Not proper, because the words of this text appear to be so carelessly put together, as to make nothing but jargon, or a sort of scholastic balderdash. But, according to Critical Note 8th, "To jumble together words without care for the sense, is an unpardonable negligence, and an abuse of the human understanding." I think the learned author should rather have said: "There are two numbers called the singular and the plural, which distinguish nouns as signifying either one thing, or many of the same kind."]

"Here the noun James Munroe is addressed, he is spoken to, it is here a noun of the second person."—Mack's Gram., p. 66. "The number and case of a verb can never be ascertained until its nominative is known."—Emmons's Gram., p. 36. "A noun of multitude, or signifying many, may have the verb and pronoun agreeing with it either in the singular or plural number; yet not without regard to the import of the word, as conveying unity or plurality of idea."—Lowth's Gram., p. 75; Murray's, 152; Alger's, 54; Russell's, 55; Ingersoll's, 248; et al. "To express the present and past imperfect of the active and neuter verb, the auxiliary do is sometimes used: I do (now) love; I did (then) love."—Lowth's Gram., p. 40. "If these are perfectly committed, they will be able to take twenty lines for a lesson on the second day; and may be increased each day."—Osborn's Key, p. 4. "When c is joined with h (ch), they are generally sounded in the same manner: as in Charles, church, cheerfulness, and cheese. But foreign words (except in those derived from the French, as chagrin, chicanery, and chaise, in which ch are sounded like sh) are pronounced like k; as in Chaos, character, chorus, and chimera."—Bucke's Classical Gram., p. 10. "Some substantives, naturally neuter, are, by a figure of speech, converted into the masculine or feminine gender."—Murray's Gram., p. 37; Comly's, 20; Bacon's, 13; A Teacher's, 8; Alger's, 16; Lennie's, 11; Fisk's, 56; Merchant's, 27; Kirkham's, 35; et al. "Words in the English language may be classified under ten general heads, the names of which classes are usually termed the ten parts of speech."—Nutting's Gram., p. 14. "'Mercy is the true badge of nobility.' Nobility is a noun of multitude, mas. and fem. gender, third person, sing. and in the obj. case, and governed by 'of:' RULE 31."—Kirkham's Gram., p. 161. "gh, are either silent, or have the sound of f, as in laugh."—Town's Spelling-Book, p. 10. "As many people as were destroyed, were as many languages or dialects lost and blotted out from the general catalogue."—Chazotte's Essay, p. 25. "The grammars of some languages contain a greater number of the moods, than others, and exhibit them in different forms."—Murray's Gram., 8vo. Vol. i, p. 95. "A COMPARISON OR SIMILE, is, when the resemblance between two objects is expressed in form, and generally pursued more fully than the nature of a metaphor admits."—Ib., p. 343. "In some dialects, the word what is improperly used for that, and sometimes we find it in this sense in writing."—Ib., p. 156; Priestley's Gram., 93; Smith's, 132; Merchant's, 87; Fisk's, 114; Ingersoll's, 220; et al. "Brown makes great ado concerning the adname principles of preceding works, in relation to the gender of pronouns."—O. B. Peirce's Gram., p. 323. "The nominative precedes and performs the action of the verb."—Beck's Gram., p. 8. "The Primitive are those which cannot receive more simple forms than those which they already possess."—Wright's Gram., p. 28. "The long sound [of i] is always marked by the e final in monosyllables; as, thin, thine; except give, live."—Murray's Gram., p. 13; Fisk's, 39; et al. "But the third person or thing spoken of being absent, and in many respects unknown, it is necessary that it should be marked by a distinction of gender."—Lowth's Gram., p. 21; L. Murray's, 51; et al. "Each of the diphthongal letters was doubtless, originally heard in pronouncing the words which contain them. Though this is not the case at present, with respect to many of them, these combinations still retain the name of diphthongs; but, to distinguish them, they are marked by the term improper."—L. Murray's Gram., p. 9; Fisk's, 37; et al. "A Mode is the form of, or manner of using a verb, by which the being, action, or passion is expressed "—Alex. Murray's Gram., p. 32. "The word that is a demonstrative pronoun when it is followed immediately by a substantive, to which it is either joined, or refers, and which it limits or qualifies."—Lindley Murray's Gram., p. 54.

   "The guiltless woe of being past,
    Is future glory's deathless heir."—Sumner L. Fairfield.


"A knowledge of grammar enables us to express ourselves better in conversation and in writing composition."—Sanborn's Gram., p. 7.

[FORMULE.—Not proper, because the word composition is here needless. But, according to Critical Note 9th,