Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/900

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or marks ? 4. What pauses are denoted by the first four points ? 5. What pauses are required by the other four ? 6. What is the general use of the Comma? 7. How many rules lor the Comma are there, and what are their heads? 8. What says Rule 1st of Simple Sentences? 9. What says Eule 2d of Simple Members f 10. What says Rule 3d of More than Two Words 1 11. What says Rule 4th of Only Two Words 1 12. What says Rule 5th of Words in Pairs t 13. What says Rule 6th of Words put Absolute t 14. What says Rule 7th of Words in Apposi- tion? 15. What says Rule 8th of Adjectives? 16. What says Rule 9th of Finite Verbal 17. What says Rule 10th of Infinitives? 18. What says Rule llth of Participles? 19. What says Rule 12th of Adverbs? 20. What says Rule 13th of Conjunctions? 21. What says Rule 14th of Prepositions ? 22. What says Rule 15th of Interjections t 23. What says Rule 16th of Words Repeated? 24. What says Rule 17th of Dependent Quotations?


1. How many exceptions, or forms of exception, are there to Rule 1st for the comma? 2. to Rule2d? 3. to Rule 3d? 4. to Rule 4th? 5. to Rule 5th? 6. to Rule 6th ? 7. to Rule7th? 8. to Rule 8th ? 9. to Rule 9th ? 10. to Rule 10th? 11. to Rule llth? 12. to Rule 12th? 13. to Rule 13th? 14. to Rule 14th? 15. to Rule 15th? 16. to Rule 16th? 17. to Rule 17th? 18. What says the Exception to Rule 1st of a Long Simple Sen- tence? 19. What says Exception 1st to Rule 2d of Restrictive Relatives? 20. What says Ex- ception 2d to Rule 2d of Sliort Terms closely Connected? 21. What says Exception 3d to Rule 2d-of Elliptical Members United? 22. What says Exception 1st to Rule 4th of Two Words with Adjuncts? 23. What says Exception 2d to Rule 4th of Two Terms Contrasted? 24. What says Exception 3d to Rule 4th of a mere Alternative of Words? 25. What says Exception 4th to Rule 4th of Conjunctions Understood ?


1. What rule speaks of the separation of Words in Apposition t 2. What says Exception 1st to Rule 7th of Complex Names 1 3. What says Exception 2d to Rule 7th of Close Apposition ? 4. What says Exception 3d to Rule 7th of a Pronoun without a Pause ? 6. What says Excep- tion 4th to Rule 7th of Names Acquired? 6. What says the Exception to Rule 8th of Adjectives Restrictive? 7. What is the rule which speaks of a finite Verb Understood? 8. What says the Exception to Rule 9th of a Very Slight Pause ? 9. What is the Rule for the pointing of Partici- ples? 10. What says the Exception to Rule llth of Participles Restrictive ?

[Now, if you please, von may correct orally, according to the formules giTen, some or all of the various exam- ples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Comma in Section First]


1. What is the general use of the Semicolon ? 2. How many rules are there for the Semicolon ? 3. What are their heads? 4. What says Rule 1st of Complex Members ? 6. What says Rule 2d of Simple Members? 6. What says Rule 3d of Apposition, dec. t

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various exam- ples of Falae Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Semicolon in Section Second.]


1. What is the general use of the Colon? 2. How many rules are there for the Colon? 3. What are their heads? 4. What says Rule 1st of Additional Remarks? 5. What says Rule 2d of Greater Pauses ? 6. What says Rule 3d of Independent Quotations ?

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various exam- ples of Falte Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Colon in Section Third.]


1. What is the general use of the Period ? 2. How many rules are there for the Period ? 3. What are their heads? 4. What says Rule 1st of Distinct Sentences? 6. What says Rule 2dof Allied Sentences ? 6. What says Rule 3d of Abbreviations?

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various exam- ples of FalM Punctuation, which are arranged udder the rules for the Period in Section Fourth.] . ,


1. What is the general use of the Dash? 2. How many rules are there for the Dash? 3. What are their heads? 4. What says Rule 1st of Abrupt Pauses? 5. What says Rule 2d of Emphatic Pauses ? 6. What says Rule 3d of Faulty Dashes ?

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various ex- amples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Dash in Section Fifth.]


1. What is the use of the Eroteme, or Note of Interrogation ? 2. How many rules are there for this mark? 3. What are their heads? 4. What says Rule 1st of Questions Direct? 5. What says Rule 2d of Questions United ? 6. What says Rule 3d of Questions Indirect ?

[Now, if yon please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or nil of the various ex- amples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Eroteme in Section Sixth.]