Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/917

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1300, died in 1372."--B. Dict. cor. "Ettrick Pen, a mountain in Selkirkshire, Scotland, height 2,200 feet."--G. Geog. cor. "The coast bends from Dungsby Head, in a northwest direction, to the promontory of Dunnet Head."--Id. "General Gaines ordered a detachment of nearly 300 men, under the command of Major Twiggs, to surround and take an Indian village, called Fowltown, about fourteen miles from Fort Scott."--Cohen Cor. "And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, 'Talitha, cumi.'"--Bible Editors cor. "On religious subjects, a frequent adoption of Scripture language is attended with peculiar force."--Murray cor. "Contemplated with gratitude to their Author, the Giver of all good."--Id. "When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all [the] truth,"--SCOTT, ALGER, ET AL.: John, xvi, 13. "See the Lecture on Verbs, Rule XV, Note 4th."--Fisk cor. "At the commencement of Lecture 2d, I informed you that Etymology treats, thirdly, of derivation."--Kirkham cor. "This 8th Lecture is a very important one."--Id. "Now read the 11th and 12th lectures, four or five times over."--Id. "In 1752, he [Henry Home] was advanced to the bench, under the title of Lord Kames."--Murray cor. "One of his maxims was, 'Know thyself.'"--Lempriere cor. "Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"--FRIENDS' BIBLE: Matt., xix, 16. "His best known works, however, [John Almon's] are, 'Anecdotes of the Life of the Earl of Chatham,' 2 vols. 4to, 3 vols. 8vo; and 'Biographical, Literary, and Political Anecdotes of several of the Most Eminent Persons of the Present Age; never before printed,' 3 vols. 8vo, 1797."--Biog. Dict. cor. "O gentle Sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee?"--SHAK.: Kames, El. of Crit., Vol. ii, p. 175. "And peace, O Virtue! peace is all thy own."--Pope et al. cor.


"Fenelon united the characters of a nobleman and a Christian pastor. His book entitled, 'An Explication of the Maxims of the Saints, concerning the Interior Life,' gave considerable offence to the guardians of orthodoxy."--Murray cor. "When Natural Religion, who before was only a spectator, is introduced as speaking by the Centurion's voice."--Murray's Gram., Vol. i, p. 347. "You cannot deny, that the great Mover and Author of nature constantly explaineth himself to the eyes of men, by the sensible intervention of arbitrary signs, which have no similitude to, or connexion with, the things signified."--Berkley cor. "The name of this letter is Double-u, its form, that of a double V."--Dr. Wilson cor. "Murray, in his Spelling-Book, wrote Charlestown with a hyphen and two capitals."--G. Brown. "He also wrote European without a capital."--Id. "They profess themselves to be Pharisees, who are to be heard and not imitated."--Calvin cor. "Dr. Webster wrote both Newhaven and New York with single capitals."--G. Brown. "Gay Head, the west point of Martha's Vineyard."--Williams cor. "Write Crab Orchard, Egg Harbour, Long Island, Perth Amboy, West Hampton, Little Compton, New Paltz, Crown Point, Fell's Point, Sandy Hook, Port Penn, Port Royal, Porto Bello, and Porto Rico.'"--G. Brown. "Write the names of the months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December."--Id. "Write the following names and words properly: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturn;--Christ, Christian, Christmas, Christendom, Michaelmas, Indian, Bacchanals;--East Hampton, Omega, Johannes, Aonian, Levitical, Deuteronomy, European."--Id.

  "Eight letters in some syllables we find,
   And no more syllables in words are join'd."--Brightland cor.




1. Correction of Murray, in words of two syllables: civ-il, col-our, cop-y, dam-ask, doz-en, ev-er, feath-er, gath-er, heav-en, heav-y, hon-ey, lem-on, lin-en, mead-ow, mon-ey, nev-er, ol-ive, or-ange, oth-er, pheas-ant, pleas-ant, pun-ish, rath-er, read-y, riv-er, rob-in, schol-ar, shov-el, stom-ach, tim-id, whith-er.

2. Correction of Murray, in words of three syllables: ben-e-fit, cab-i-net, can-is-ter, cat-a-logue, char-ac-ter, char-i-ty, cov-et-ous, dil-i-gence, dim-i-ty, el-e-phant, ev-i-dent, ev-er-green, friv-o-lous, gath-er-ing, gen-er-ous, gov-ern-ess, gov-ern-or, hon-est-y, kal-en-dar, lav-en-der, lev-er-et, lib-er-al, mem-or-y, min-is-ter, mod-est-ly, nov-el-ty, no-bod-y, par-a-dise, pov-er-ty, pres-ent-ly, prov-i-dence, prop-er-ly, pris-on-er, rav-en-ous, sat-is-fy, sev-er-al, sep-ar-ate, trav-el-ler, vag-a-bond;--con-sid-er, con-tin-ue, de-liv-er, dis-cov-er, dis-fig-ure, dis-hon-est, dis-trib-ute, in-hab-it, me-chan-ic, what-ev-er;--rec-om-mend, ref-u-gee, rep-ri-mand.

3. Correction of Murray, in words of four syllables: cat-er-pil-lar, char-i-ta-ble, dil-i-gent-ly, mis-er-a-ble, prof-it-a-ble, tol-er-a-ble;--be-nev-o-lent, con-sid-er-ate, di-min-u-tive, ex-per-i-ment, ex-trav-a-gant, in-hab-i-tant, no-bil-i-ty, par-tic-u-lar, pros-per-i-ty, ri-dic-u-lous, sin-cer-i-ty;--dem-on-stra-tion, ed-u-ca-tion, em-u-la-tion, ep-i-dem-ic, mal-e-fac-tor, man-u-fac-ture, mem-o-ran-dum, mod-er-a-tor, par-a-lyt-ic, pen-i-ten-tial, res-ig-na-tion, sat-is-fac-tion, sem-i-co-lon.

4. Correction of Murray, in words of five syllables: a-bom-i-na-ble, a-poth-e-ca-ry, con-sid-er-a-ble, ex-plan-a-to-ry, pre-par-a-to-ry;-- ac-a-dem-i-cal, cu-ri-os-i-ty, ge-o-graph-i-cal, man-u-fac-tor-y, sat-is-fac-tor-y, mer-i-to-ri-ous;--char-ac-ter-is-tic, ep-i-gram-mat-ic, ex-per-i-ment-al, pol-y-syl-la-ble, con-sid-er-a-tion.