Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/925

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"Diversely; in different ways, differently, variously."--See Walker's Dict. "The event thereof contains a wholesome instruction."--Bacon cor. "Whence Scaliger falsely concluded that Articles were useless."--Brightland cor. "The child that we have just seen is wholesomely fed."--Murray cor. "Indeed, falsehood and legerdemain sink the character of a prince."--Collier cor. "In earnest, at this rate of management, thou usest thyself very coarsely."--Id. "To give them an arrangement and a diversity, as agreeable as the nature of the subject would admit."--Murray cor. "Alger's Grammar is only a trifling enlargement of Murray's little Abridgement."--G. Brown. "You ask whether you are to retain or to omit the mute e in the words, judgement, abridgement, acknowledgement, lodgement, adjudgement, and prejudgement."--Red Book cor. "Fertileness, fruitfulness; fertilely, fruitfully, abundantly."--Johnson cor. "Chastely, purely, without contamination; Chasteness, chastity, purity."--Id. "Rhymester, n. One who makes rhymes; a versifier; a mean poet."--Walker, Chalmers, Maunder, Worcester. "It is therefore a heroical achievement to disposess [sic--KTH] this imaginary monarch."--Berkley cor. "Whereby is not meant the present time, as he imagines, but the time past."--R. Johnson cor. "So far is this word from affecting the noun, in regard to its definiteness, that its own character of definiteness or indefiniteness, depends upon the name to which it is prefixed."--Webster cor.

   "Satire, by wholesome lessons, would reclaim,
    And heal their vices to secure their fame "--Brightland cor.


"Solon's the veriest fool in all the play."--Dryden cor. "Our author prides himself upon his great sliness and shrewdness."--Merchant cor. "This tense, then, implies also the signification of debeo."--R. Johnson cor. "That may be applied to a subject, with respect to something accidental."--Id. "This latter author accompanies his note with a distinction."--Id. "This rule is defective, and none of the annotators have sufficiently supplied its deficiencies."--Id. "Though the fancied supplement of Sanctius, Scioppius, Vossius, and Mariangelus, may take place."--Ib. "Yet, as to the commutableness of these two tenses, which is denied likewise, they [the foregoing examples] are all one [; i.e., exactly equivalent]"--Id. "Both these tenses may represent a futurity, implied by the dependence of the clause."--Id. "Cry, cries, crying, cried, crier, decrial; Shy, shier, shiest, shily, shiness; Fly, flies, flying, flier, high-flier; Sly, slier, sliest, slily, sliness; Spy, spies, spying, spied, espial; Dry, drier, driest, drily, driness."--Cobb, Webster, and Chalmers cor. "I would sooner listen to the thrumming of a dandizette at her piano."--Kirkham cor. "Send her away; for she crieth after us."--Matt., v, 23. "IVIED, a. overgrown with ivy."--Cobb's Dict., and Maunders.

   "Some drily plain, without invention's aid,
    Write dull receipts how poems may be made."--Pope cor.


"The gayety of youth should be tempered by the precepts of age."--Murray cor. "In the storm of 1703, two thousand stacks of chimneys were blown down in and about London."--Red Book cor. "And the vexation was not abated by the hackneyed plea of haste."--Id. "The fourth sin of our days is lukewarmness."--Perkins cor. "God hates the workers of iniquity, and destroys them that speak lies."--Id. "For, when he lays his hand upon us, we may not fret."--Id. "Care not for it; but if thou mayst be free, choose it rather."--Id. "Alexander Severus saith, 'He that buyeth, must sell; I will not suffer buyers and sellers of offices.'"--Id. "With these measures, fell in all moneyed men."--See Johnson's Dict. "But rattling nonsense in full volleys breaks."--Murray's Reader, q. Pope. "Valleys are the intervals betwixt mountains."--Woodward cor. "The Hebrews had fifty-two journeys or marches."--Wood cor. "It was not possible to manage or steer the galleys thus fastened together."--Goldsmith cor. "Turkeys were not known to naturalists till after the discovery of America."--Gregory cor. "I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys."--SHAK.: in Johnson's Dict. "Men worked at embroidery, especially in abbeys."--Constable cor. "By which all purchasers or mortgagees may be secured of all moneys they lay out."--Temple cor. "He would fly to the mines or the galleys, for his recreation."--South cor. "Here pulleys make the pond'rous oak ascend."--Gay cor.

    ------"You need my help, and you say,
    Shylock, we would have moneys."--Shak. cor.


"Will any able writer authorize other men to revise his works?"--G. B. "It can be made as strong and expressive as this Latinized English."--Murray cor. "Governed by the success or failure of an enterprise."--Id. "Who have patronized the cause of justice against powerful oppressors."--Id., et al. "Yet custom authorizes this use of it."--Priestley cor. "They surprise myself, ****; and I even think the writers themselves will be surprised."--Id. "Let the interest rise to any sum which can be obtained."--Webster cor. "To determine what interest shall arise on the use of money."--Id. "To direct the popular councils and check any rising opposition,"--Id. "Five were appointed to the immediate exercise of the office."--Id. "No man ever offers himself as a candidate by advertising."--Id. "They are honest and economical, but indolent, and destitute of enterprise."--Id. "I would, however, advise you to be cautious."--Id. "We are ac-