Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/935

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Id. "In the use of words and phrases that in point of time relate to each other, the order of time should be duly regarded."--Id. "The same observations that show the effect of the article upon the participle, appear to be applicable [also] to the pronoun and participle."--Murray cor. "The reason why they have not the same use of them in reading, may be traced to the very defective and erroneous method in which the art of reading is taught."--Id. "Ever since reason began to exert her powers, thought, during our waking hours, has been active in every breast, without a moment's suspension or pause."--Id. et al. cor. "In speaking of such as greatly delight in the same."--Pope cor. "Except him to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live."--Bible cor. "But the same day on which Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."--Bible cor. "In the next place, I will explain several constructions of nouns and pronouns, that have not yet come under our notice."--Kirkham cor. "Three natural distinctions of time are all that can exist."--Hall cor. "We have exhibited such only as are obviously distinct; and these seem to be sufficient, and not more than sufficient."--Murray et al. cor. "The parenthesis encloses a phrase or clause that may be omitted without materially injuring the connexion of the other members."--Hall cor. "Consonants are letters that cannot be sounded without the aid of a vowel."--Bucke cor. "Words are not mere sounds, but sounds that convey a meaning to the mind."--Id. "Nature's postures are always easy; and, what is more, nothing but your own will can put you out of them."--Collier cor. "Therefore ought we to examine our own selves, and prove our own selves."--Barclay cor. "Certainly, it had been much more natural, to have divided Active verbs into Immanent, or those whose action is terminated within itself, and Transient, or those whose action is terminated in something without itself."--R. Johnson cor. "This is such an advantage as no other lexicon will afford."--Dr. Taylor cor. "For these reasons, such liberties are taken in the Hebrew tongue, with those words which are of the most general and frequent use."--Pike cor. "While we object to the laws which the antiquarian in language would impose on us, we must also enter our protest against those authors who are too fond of innovations."--L. Murray cor.




"In speaking on a matter which touched their hearts."--Phil. Museum cor. "Though Horace published it some time after."--Id. "The best subjects with which the Greek models furnished him."--Id. "Since he attached no thought to it."--Id. "By what slow steps the Greek alphabet reached its perfection."--Id. "Because Goethe wished to erect an affectionate memorial."--Id. "But the Saxon forms soon dropped away."--Id. "It speaks of all the towns that perished in the age of Philip."--Id. "This enriched the written language with new words."--Id. "He merely furnished his friend with matter for laughter."--Id. "A cloud arose, and stopped the light."--Swift cor. "She slipped spadillo in her breast."--Id. "I guessed the hand."--Id. "The tyrant stripped me to the skin; My skin he flayed, my hair he cropped; At head and foot my body lopped."--Id. "I see the greatest owls in you, That ever screeched or ever flew."--Id. "I sat with delight, From morning till night."--Id. "Dick nimbly skipped the gutter."--Id. "In at the pantry door this morn I slipped."--Id." Nobody living ever touched me, but you."--W. Walker cor. "Present, I ship; Preterit, I shipped; Perf. Participle, shipped."--A. Murray cor. "Then the king arose, and tore his garments."--Bible cor. "When he lifted up his foot, he knew not where he should set it next."--Bunyan cor. "He lifted up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time."--Bible cor. "Upon this chaos rode the distressed ark."--Burnet cor. "On whose foolish honesty, my practices rode easy."--Shakspeare cor. "That form of the first or primogenial Earth, which rose immediately out of chaos."--Burnet cor. "Sir, how came it, you have helped to make this rescue?"--Shak. cor. "He swore he would rather lose all his father's images, than that table."--Peacham cor. "When our language dropped its ancient terminations."--Dr. Murray cor. "When themselves they vilified."--Milton cor. "But I chose rather to do thus."--Barclay cor. "When he pleaded (or pled) against the parsons."--Hist. cor. "And he that saw it, bore record." Or: "And he that saw it, bare record."--John, xix, 35. "An irregular verb has one more variation; as, drive, drivest, [driveth,] drives, drove, drovest, driving, driven."--Matt. Harrison cor. "Beside that village, Hannibal pitched his camp."--W. Walker cor. "He fetched it from Tmolus."--Id. "He supped with his morning-gown on."--Id. "There stamped her sacred name."--Barlow cor.

   "Fix'd[530] on the view the great discoverer stood;
    And thus address'd the messenger of good."--Barlow cor.


"Three freemen were on trial"--or, "were receiving their trial--at the date of our last information."--Editor cor. "While the house was building, many of the tribe arrived."--Cox cor. "But