Page:The grammar of English grammars.djvu/961

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place in which they then were."--Goldsmith cor. "Alexander, upon hearing this news, continued four days where he then was:" or--"in the place in which he then was."--Id. "To read in the best manner in which reading is now taught."--L. Murray cor. "It may be expedient to give a few directions as to the manner in which it should be studied."--Hallock cor. "Participles are words derived from verbs, and convey an idea of the acting of an agent, or the suffering of an object, with the time at which it happens." [536]--A. Murray cor.

  "Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal
   With which I serv'd my king, he would not thus,     In age, have left me naked to my foes."--Shak. cor.

UNDER NOTE IX.--ADVERBS FOR RELATIVES. "In compositions that are not designed to be delivered in public."--Blair cor. "They framed a protestation in which they repeated their claims."--Priestley's Gram., p. 133; Murray's, 197. "Which have reference to inanimate substances, in which sex has no existence."--Harris cor. "Which denote substances in which sex never had existence."--Ingersoll's Gram., p. 26. "There is no rule given by which the truth may be found out."--W. Walker cor. "The nature of the objects from which they are taken."--Blair cor. "That darkness of character, through which we can see no heart:" [i. e., generous emotion.]--L. Murray cor. "The states with which [or between which] they negotiated."--Formey cor. "Till the motives from which men act, be known."--Beattie cor. "He assigns the principles from which their power of pleasing flows."--Blair cor. "But I went on, and so finished this History, in that form in which it now appears."--Sewel cor. "By prepositions we express the cause for which, the instrument by which, and the manner in which, a thing is done."--A. Murray cor. "They are not such in the language from which they are derived."--Town cor. "I find it very hard to persuade several, that their passions are affected by words from which they have no ideas."--Burke cor. "The known end, then, for which we are placed in a state of so much affliction, hazard, and difficulty, is our improvement in virtue and piety."--Bp. Butler cor.

  "Yet such his acts as Greeks unborn shall tell,
   And curse the strife in which their fathers fell."--Pope cor.


"Youth may be thoughtful, but thoughtfulness in the young is not very common."--Webster cor. "A proper name is a name given to one person or thing."--Bartlett cor. "A common name is a name given to many things of the same sort."--Id. "This rule is often violated; some instances of its violation are annexed."--L. Murray et al. cor. "This is altogether careless writing. Such negligence respecting the pronouns, renders style often obscure, and always inelegant."--Blair cor. "Every inversion which is not governed by this rule, will be disrelished by every person of taste."--Kames cor. "A proper diphthong, is a diphthong in which both the vowels are sounded."--Brown's Institutes, p. 18. "An improper diphthong, is a diphthong in which only one of the vowels is sounded."--Ib. "Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the descendants of Jacob, are called Hebrews."--Wood cor. "In our language, every word of more than one syllable, has one of its syllables distinguished from the rest in this manner."--L. Murray cor. "Two consonants proper to begin a word, must not be separated; as, fa-ble, sti-fle. But when two consonants come between two vowels, and are such as cannot begin a word, they must be divided, as, ut-most, un-der."--Id. "Shall the intellect alone feel no pleasures in its energy, when we allow pleasures to the grossest energies of appetite and sense?"--Harris and Murray cor. "No man has a propensity to vice as such: on the contrary, a wicked deed disgusts every one, and makes him abhor the author."--Ld. Kames cor. "The same grammatical properties that belong to nouns, belong also to pronouns."--Greenleaf cor. "What is language? It is the means of communicating thoughts from one person to an other."--O. B. Peirce cor. "A simple word is a word which is not made up of other words."--Adam and Gould cor. "A compound word is a word which is made up of two or more words."--Iid. "When a conjunction is to be supplied, the ellipsis is called Asyndeton."--Adam cor.


"It gives to words a meaning which they would not have."--L. Murray cor. "There are in the English language many words, that are sometimes used as adjectives, and sometimes as adverbs."--Id. "Which do not more effectually show the varied intentions of the mind, than do the auxiliaries which are used to form the potential mood."--Id. "These accents, which will be the subject of a following speculation, make different impressions on the mind."--Ld. Kames cor. "And others differed very much from the words of the writers to whom they were ascribed."--John Ward cor. "Where there is in the sense nothing which requires the last sound to be elevated, an easy fall will be proper."--Murray and Bullions cor. "In the last clause there is an ellipsis of the verb; and, when you supply it, you find it necessary to use the adverb not, in lieu of no."--Campbell and Murray cor. "Study is of the singular number, because the nominative I, with which it agrees, is singular."--R. C. Smith cor. "John is the person who is in error, or thou art."--Wright cor. "For he hath made him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us."--Harrison's E. Lang., p. 197.

  "My friend, take that of me, who have the power     To seal th' accuser's lips."--Shakspeare cor.